I got out of my therapy today, and my phone rang as I was pulling out of the parking structure. It was my dad, calling from my mom's cell. Apparently my sister was to be released from the psych ward that she has been in for the last couple weeks (maybe I'll see about hooking her up with Lilly's latest acquisition, Dr. Serani, LOL) Neither of them wanted to be around her or hear from her, but they needed someone to get her from the place she had been staying (up in the valley) to the place she is moving to (down towards the south bay, not too far from where I work) and wondered if I would. Actually, my dad's first words to me were "wanna make some money???" LOL, of course I do, depending on how much and how hard I have to work for it. Actually, I had more goodies I wanted to pick up from Fry's after therapy, and I had just been thinking how I used to have a $50 stashed in my wallet, until last time I had been to Fry's. I told them to call me back when they figured out the details. I finished up my shopping and was heading out when they called me again with the information. Turns out it was a fairly short trip from where I was at to where I was picking her up from. She didn't rant and rave as my parents had feared she might. She did run her mouth fairly non stop on the drive, but that's what she does. The guy from the previous home she'd been staying at called me part way to the new place. I didn't recognize the number and was going to not answer, but my sis heard the number and told me that was him. He was saying that her roommate was saying that she had taken some of her stuff, shampoo and maxi pads and such. He talked to my sister, and they went back and forth about what was hers and what wasn't. After she hung up, she said that it was all her stuff, and she wasn't sending any of it back. I suspected as much. Not like the guy and her roommate weren't there when she was taking her stuff out. Their bailment, not mine. Got her to the new place, which was actually just the offices, unloaded her stuff and hugged her and wished her luck.
Mission accomplished. Took the better part of the afternoon, but I did manage to get home before the rain began to come down and before Blogger begins their maintenance tonight. I would have done it without the promise of money to help my parents and sister out, but that did sweeten the pot.
Good luck, sis!!!
You so nice Aye!
: )
Thanks for all of your great comments on me-site!
lyvjabd: love your valiant job at bad driving
You are a good guy Aye. While reading I did have to smile because of what you said in the second sentence,...calling from my mom's cell...I know what you ment but...
Your sister is getting out of a psych ward, your mom's in jail, and your dad doesn't want to deal with any of it:)
LMAO @ Susan and Bob!!!
JOIDWJV = Jessica over irritates dim wits just vamping
LMAO@ Bob's comment.
huataj = half up a two assed jumper
Half up a two assed jumper??? Doesn't that make a whole ass??? *doing the math*
TGFADEI = This guy figured ass doubled equals infinity
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