Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Viral Elephant

I've gotten a small degree of fame about the workplace for my various creations of labels. Since the label killing goes on in the last couple hours of the work day, this is primarily limited to the second and third shift crews.

Having done nothing great since my construction of the Firefly, I was up for any fresh ideas. I was just making up squares one night while killing labels, and several people were inquiring what I was making now. Didn't really know what, so I was open for suggestions.

One of the girls suggested an elephant. Hmmm, I could probably do that!!! Started off just making an oblong into a body. Actually it looked quite a bit like a peanut while it was being done, proving the old adage "you are what you eat". At one point I was going up a level after one of the supervisors and dropped it. He asked what it was, and I told him "It's an elephant!!! See all the wrinkles???" Then onto a pair of ears, a head, and the legs, tail, and of course a trunk. then put it all together. Came out pretty good.

I showed it to the supervisor previously cited. He was amazed, and took a couple pictures. I gave it to the girl who'd suggested it. She was thrilled, said how cute it was. She tells me the next day I see her that her dog wanted to get his paws on it. Seems like he thinks there's something delicious on the inside!!!

Here's where it goes viral. She posts a few shots of it to her instagram, cites me as a genius. The next day a bunch of people are going on about it when they see me!!! Several from the early shift, who I'd never really though about not having seen my creations. The next time I was killing labels, the latest department head comes up to me and tells me she saw the elephant, asks me how I did it (a question I get asked a lot) and if I ever take requests (hint hint). How can I turn her down???

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Post-Halloween Tradition Continues

Here it is, a month later, and here's the post-Halloween destruction video!!! For this year, I had the idea to get a big round pumpkin, cut it (almost) in half, then paint it up like a pokeball. Then, I had a much smaller pumpkin that I was going to carve the likeness of Charmander into, hopefully to make his tail into the candle part. Alas, I ran out of time, so that didn't end up happening. Oh well, it smashed up nicely!!!

This year I had two cameras rolling, so here you're getting two different views.

The other pumpkins I'd bought never got carved, either. A big, time consuming part of carving them is hollowing them out, so that is a big part of the reason they didn't get carved. We left them out on the porch railing.

Apparently, if you wait long enough, they hollow themselves out!!! One of the neighborhood squirrels gnawed a hole in the side of one, and took all the seeds out!!! Afterwards we threw it down, too. I cut a hole in the side of the next one to cut down on the gnaw time.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What if...

What if instead of Nathan Fillion being cast as Malcolm Reynolds, they went with Patrick Stewart instead???

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Ain't My First Dodecahedron

They did the design contest at my work that they have had the last couple years again. I had an idea to make a water dish for the cat with a pump that would activate a water stream when the cat would approach. I picked up a drill motor driven pump (because the actual full on pumps are pretty spendy) with the idea of using an old drill with a bad chuck I have. A couple weeks before, I finally got to trying putting things together, and found out it doesn't have the juice to get the water flowing with that one. OK, time for plan B...

As is well documented here, I've made a couple dodecahedrons. Making them is fairly easy, relatively speaking. Since we're kind of working on making the basement into a nerd cave, and all the light fixtures have bare bulbs, I had the idea to make up an acrylic dodecahedron. It took some doing, but the results are pretty cool!!! I'm thinking of trying a light sand blast to see if I can give it a frosted effect, as well as adding the numbers to the faces to give it a real D-12 look.

So, how did the competition stack up this year??? Considerably less so than last year!!! There was one other entrant!!!

They made up a board with the company name made of various things we sell.

My company doesn't like us saying stuff about 'em, positive of negative, on social media sites, so I don't make mention of them, and thusly I don't have a full shot of the other project, just a few of the characters.

With only two entrants, I figured my odds were better than last year. I was a lock for first or second place, I thought!!! A minor minus, they're doing a bit of construction (you can compare last year's shots with this year and see the carnage in the background) so the break room they held it in doesn't get much traffic these days from our department.

The next week they congratulated me, I got first place!!! I went to see the HR girl who was running it for my prize. She had a bag of hair products, some $10 gift cards, a pair of passes to Knotts Berry Farm (which, unposted as of yet, we've been to twice this year!!!) and this: A signed Dodgers jersey!!! She didn't know who'd signed it, but I figured it was pretty cool, and possibly worth some money (not that I'm planning on selling it). Also, I could make up a display frame for it and put it up in the basement to possibly counteract some of the geek!!!

Just one thing left to do, figure out who's signature that is!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


It's been a while since I've posted anything Runescape related. Yes, I still play at least a bit almost every day. My levels keep going up. One more level & I'll get my first 99, not surprisingly in mining. Got recruited into a clan that's actually pretty active, which is something of a tie in to how this post came to be. One of my mates messages me, would I like some construction & herblore experience? Yea, sure. OK, meet me in Edgeville & kill me off in wildy. Huh. I almost never go into wildy, but OK. He's got the supplies from Wilderness Warbands, & they're mine just for offing him!!!

And that's how I got my first skull!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Done The Impossible

It's been a while since I've done a completed bar code sculpture. Not for the reason that I haven't been doing anything in this vein, but because I'd undertaken what so far has been my most ambitious undertaking!!!

Another of those things where I wondered to myself if it could actually be done. I set out to make a spaceship (what I primarily told my co-workers when they'd ask what I was making this time).

More specifically, I set out to make a mid-bulk transport ship, classcode 03-K64 Firefly!!! Being as it was done almost entirely from memory, I think it came out pretty good!!!

I made it all in parts to be assembled at the completion. The part I started with was the main engine. I tried three times before I came up with a satisfactory result. The first two came out as cones instead of bulbous. Next I made the side engines, then cargo hold (in flat form, to be folded up at the end).

Next I did the front deck and finally the main deck. The final day, yesterday, I peeled the labels & stuck them down to wax paper to bring the whole rig home for assembly!!! It was coming out way too big to store in my locker. One of the failed main engine cones found a new home in the cargo hold, keeping the top from caving in!!!

I like the way the walls go out. Gives you an open feeling. Firefly’s a good design. People don’t appreciate the substance of things. Objects in space. People miss out on what’s solid.

They're having the design contest at my work again this year. I was considering seeing if I could put this and the dodecahedron in as non-judged entries, just to show them off!!! If I do, my son was saying I should get a couple dinosaurs to put in the cargo hold!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Spider, Man!!!

As promised, here's a second post in one day!!!

Last Wednesday at work I headed out to break with some of my co-workers. Three were already out there, and as I rolled up, they were talking about having a seat by my buddy there, indicating the planter wall. I checked it out, and say, "Hey, it's a daring jumping spider!!!" Recalling the first one I saw, and take out my pen and start trying to get him to put up his dukes in the fighting stance. This one wasn't quite as bold, only raising one foreleg in a blocking gesture. I'd never seen one with the white striped legs before. I snapped a couple pictures, and one of the girls took a few, too. Paparazzi!!!

Self Portrait II

OK, Mr. always behind on posting stuff here with a quick update!!! Back in August I showed my work in progress. Couldn't have that on my tray this long and not have made progress, right??? I actually finished it around the 26th, and even had the picture and edited it.

I'm mostly pleased with the way it came out. The wheel and tire are a bit small (one of my co-workers, also a Ford guy... even though I'm not a REAL, hardcore Ford guy... made the comment that I have 13" wheels in the pic!!!) and my son's girl thought my left arm was freakishly long. Gets several comments and a good amount of attention. The moon is based on a tattoo one of the girls at work has on her belly button, but her moon is blue & looks a lot grumpier.

I've got at least one more instant post I may do soon...

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Aztec Falls Revisited

Finally getting some more pics from Aztec Falls up. Once again, I've got a ton more I could do, but for now you get this.

You start off at a place called Splinter's Cabin. There's not much of a cabin there, but just a bit down the trail from there is a pretty cool bridge.

I'm not a fan of graffiti out in nature, but I actually kinda liked the addition to these rocks!!!

As you make your way down, the upstream part has a wide, shallower area. I call it the kiddie pool.

A nice little jump off point. It's about as deep as it is tall, so be sure to bend your knees on the way down!!!

Farther down is the big jump off points. I used the boy's height and checked the high jump against it in Paint Shop Pro. Looks like I was real close with my estimation of 35 to 40 feet up. You can see there's something of a pillar to the left side, which could be climbed to pick up that much more height, but it's a little tricky.

I like the splash down shot that looks like the shape of a body.

On the far side, near the base of the 20 foot jump, there's even a natural rock ramp to climb out on!!! You can see that in the bottom left of the last shot. I'm sure we'll be back next time!!!

I've got the idea to share how I stretched my birthday out to a week, perhaps that'll be next...

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Work in Progress

So my self portrait I did a while ago is starting to get a bit worn. I had the idea to do another self portrait of me reclined on the hood of my Falcon, playing my son's guitar.

Since it sounded a bit involved, I figured I'd do a sketch of it on some paper first to see how things come out and try & get my perspectives right. It came out semi-OK, with the laying back on the windshield & the car itself being the biggest points I slated for improvement.

So I made up a new card & started in. I pretty much on all three so far have started with the guitar & the hands thereon and worked my way out. The guitar came out good enough, and as I continued on is where I screwed it up. Ended up with my neck way offset to the right, so I scrapped that one and started again.

Pictured is the third time, a charm. I got the reclining angle pretty good (better than the 2nd attempt) and the positioning of the guitar is a bit lower on my body. I've got the fender and body line roughed in, and will be continuing on from here. As you can see, it's still a work in progress!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Aztec Falls

Usually when we head up to the mountains, we've headed up to Deep Creek. Unfortunately, there were some heavy rains a few years back, and it washed so much sand and sediment downstream, so the last few years it hasn't been much in the deep department.

This year, my older looked up to see if he could find any other places. He came across Aztec Falls, probably a little more than a mile downstream. I wasn't holding out much hope for it, being as it's rained less and less the last couple years. Turned out to be far beyond what I might even have hoped for!!! May have to make another trip up there again this year, and definitely we'll be back next time!!!

The close side was about 20 feet up, the far side around 35 to 40 feet. The boy did the biggest cannon ball ever from the far side. I jumped probably half a dozen times from the lower side, and once (since I was there) from the far side.

I didn't take a ton of pictures (I was wet most the time) but I've got a few I may share later on. Only took this one video, and things went awry!!! A guy from another group jumped from the other side at almost the same time!!! Everything came out OK, but you can tell I was troubled!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Momentus X3

I'm so very behind, so I'm going to roll three into one!!! I've got Ren Faire & vacation & pictures of the blood moon to do, but for now here's this:

It's been an eventful year for the oldest. He had his prom. Unfortunately, mom STILL hasn't got the flash on the camera down, so the only decent pictures we got were of them getting into the stretch limo...

Of course, he also graduated!!! 2nd highest marks in his class, I've been told.

It was all the way down in San Pedro, right in the middle of drive time traffic. I call bad idea. Supposedly they weren't going to call him up on account of his participation in the Senior Prank, but they ended up doing it anyway.

Finally, just a week back, him and his girlfriend became proud parents to their fur-baby!!! Ain't he cute???

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Self Portrait

I've got a chipboard card that I use on my tray at work, makes for a good writing surface, and a place to stash stuff behind it. Some time ago, I was working with this one guy, and he writes "Great job" on one of the cover sheets left for me. When I got back, I handed him my sharpie and indicated the chipboard sheet, asked him if he could make it more permanent. He did, then underneath it he added the word, "Management". Everyone who saw it was greatly amused.

After a while, it was getting pretty worn, so I made up a new one, and stashed it in the back of my locker. A couple months back, I found it and broke it out again, for the sake of the new fillers. Not long after I had it out, I came across a sticker on the side of a box that said, "Mixed Skid". I thought that random, and put it over the bottom part of my chipboard. Not long after that, another filler put a line tag over the "D" and modified it into a "P", making it into my nickname. I thought that was pretty good, and came back with my cutter knife & modified the "Mixed" into my stage persona & the legend from my bowling shirt, Mix-Master!!! Everyone liked it.

It was pretty worn out when I'd first retired it, and it didn't get better. I decided to make a new one up, and do a visual representation!!!

I've only had it a day, and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive!!! I tell people that it's a self portrait, and that my head isn't that big or lumpy in real life!!!

Sunday, June 01, 2014


It's been a LONG time since I've posted any bar code artwork. There's something of a reason for that, back when I'd been doing those, eventually one of the supervisors came up to me and made mention about people making balls and "other shapes", and put an end to all my fun. At the time I'd been working on a boat. One of the other fillers had said I should try and make a ship, I think he was thinking of a three masted clipper, but what I was coming up with looked a bit more like an America's Cup racer. All I had at the time was the hull, which I brought home and considered making a post entitled, "They Sunk my Battleship!!!" Also at that time I made up a red circle with the slash logo over the word "FUN" and had that on the back of my tray. It resides there to this day, along with my Mystery Spot bumper sticker & a catalog headline for the Apocalypse Super Sale.

Fast forward a few years. All but one of the supervisors from that era are now gone, and that one has always been cool. I started in with balls again, only doing one a day. Next I started in on a rectangle to amaze all the new hires. After that I tried a pyramid again, once again to less than stellar results. Whilst I was doing that, one of the new guys throws out, "Make a dodecahedron!!!"

I had heard the line before, "One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions". One hit attributes it Ralph Waldo Emerson, but most have it as Oliver Wendell Holmes. Well, I guess that's what happened!!! I had to see exactly how it went, and for some reason had it in my head that it had 20 faces, probably when I saw that it had 20 vertices. So here's what I figured to do, I made up 20 pentagons and laminated them kind of thick, like I'd done with the sword. It took a bit of doing before I came up with the proper 72 angle perfect pentagon. Had to stop by the area where we have protractors to check, and only one of my first 5 points was right, so I duplicated that one. Got up to the 20, & was assembling them in my head when I realized that 20 probably won't fit... looked it up again, and discovered the error of my ways. Actually putting it together was the easier part, and it came out fairly awesome!!! Everyone who saw it was amazed. Ironically, the guy who'd suggested this wasn't around while I was finishing it off, so he never got to see it.

The wrap up for all this??? I've got eight extra pentagons in my locker... As I'm walking out that evening, and I'm passing by the manager for warehouse, she asks, "Is that a ball of bar codes???" "No, it's actually a dodecahedron!!!" She asks how I did it, what's inside ("It's full of stars!!!") (actually a question I was asked several times after it was buttoned up) She was very impressed, and asked me if I could make one up for her. This will be made easier by the fact that I've got eight extra pentagons. Tell me something now, supervisors, I've been commissioned by the department head!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's Getting Manny Down Here

My older boy has a group of friends who get together usually monthly or so for a sleepover. Around ten of them. Don't know how much sleeping goes on, they snack & game & watch DVDs & such. He wanted to host next weekend, but I heard how many and nixed that.

He persisted, if he could get the basement somewhat cleared out, could they hold it down there??? Well, two birds with one stone, get some clearing out done and have an area capable of holding 'em all!!! So, he had a few of the guys come over & I bought 'em a giant pizza. Probably can't tell so well, but the first picture is the pizza box pretty much taking up my trunk from wall to wall!!!

The back story on the basement pretty much is that if you have an empty space, you end up storing all kinds of things, things too good to just toss. In other words, of dubious value. I'd always kind of had the idea of cleaning it up and setting it up as the man cave down there.

On the other hand, a lot of the stuff end up damaged or totally obsolete, and aren't much worth anything anymore. Case in point, that sweet super 8 camera down there. Can you even get film for that anymore??? If so, have you got a projector??? Or you could just record & edit it with compact flash memory!!!

I liked the guys who were cleaning out!!! They had an appreciation & love for much of the vintage stuff down there!!! They found my long missing Super Mario Brothers 3 cartridge, then took an hour break to play it on the NES I'd pulled out & hooked up a few months back.

Personally, I wouldn't call it anywhere near useable yet, but it's a start. We've got many cool decorations set up now!!!!

My old Ferrari wall art....

My old lava lamp...

The TV case I'd had the old tube TV mounted in, with a vintage 70's knob tuner TV on top of it, and a old CRT monitor in it...

And a couple of old computer cases on a high shelf...

Not really so useable, but there's a cool built in desk, made back in the 60's probably, but like it was made to set up a desktop computer on!!!

And, finally, a thermoformed plastic head!!! Looks a bit like a mannequin, doesn't it??? Told you it was getting manny down there!!!

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Dystopian Dance

So here it is, two posts in a row of cup art!!! Like there have been no other events in my life... This was inspired by a line from The Gaslight Anthem's "We Came to Dance"

We are the last of the jukebox Romeos

We are romantics by the light of the fourway

We came to sing out a chorus, reinvent the good times

And bring it all back home again

Honey, we came to dance with the girls with the stars in their eyes

Do the jump back, jack, stop and slide to the right

Never break their hearts, never make them cry, come on

Strike up the band, play a song that everybody knows

If I'm not your kind, then don't tell a soul

I'm not the one who hates bein' alone, so come on

And in this unstable arena

Of what's left or become of my America

I'm askin' this dance so come take my hand, come on

And in this unstable arena

Of what's left or become of my America

I'm askin' this dance so come take my hand, come on

Honey, we came to dance with the girls with the stars in their eyes

Do the jump back, jack, stop and slide to the right

Never break their hearts, never make them cry, come on

Strike up the band, play a song that everybody knows

If I'm not your kind, then don't tell a soul

I'm not the one who hates bein' alone, so come on

And if they end it all

By the end of tonight

If the big bomb drops down

Over this quiet Edison sky

We'll blow one last kiss

To all the beautiful nights like this

Under this central Jersey sky

Honey, we came to dance with the girls with the stars in their eyes

Do the jump back, jack, stop and slide to the right

Never break their hearts, never make them cry, come on

Strike up the band, play a song that everybody knows

If I'm not your kind, then don't tell a soul

I'm not the one who hates bein' alone, so come on

Cause you ain't never had a night on the town

Like I can show you such a night on the town

And you ain't never had a song you could sing

Well it's a deep dark night and I hear you, I've been there

And these are the songs that we sing

Oh, these are the songs that we sing

You've never seen a two-step

Like when you've seen it from your mama's house

Where the kids flash like lightning

To the very best dancers around

We learned from the very best dancers around

We learned from the very best dancers in town

Come take my hand, cause mama, we came to dance.

I'd always pictured a scene like this from the line quoted on the cup. A tree and shrubbery lined horizon, spanned by high tension wires (which, as pictured, encircle the cup), with that big bomb dropping down behind it. Of course, I enjoy the song. Along with this line, it also has the line, "And in this unstable arena, Of what's left or become of my America" gives this song a distinctly dystopian vibe.

Everyone at work likes it. Before I'd added the text, one of the guys I was working with recognized the mushroom cloud. I was glad for that, that it wasn't mistaken for a big red tree!!!

Around the side, I added in the river from another Gaslight Anthem tune, "Meet Me By the River's Edge", to offset the dystopia.