Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quick Random

Just a few quick, random thoughts. Several television related.

Have you seen any of the new show "Swing Town"??? My first thought on hearing of it was it was tailor made for people who felt ripped off after tuning in for "Wife Swap".

I bought a tube of regular flavor Pringles chips, and they had The Incredible Hulk on the outside. I opened it up, and the chips are all pretty broken up. I wondered if that was on purpose.

I rather enjoy "Rules of Engagement". Probably mostly because of Patrick Warburton. He's like the garlic of television and movies, most anything is markedly improved with him in it.

While I like the Lakers and pull for the home team, at this point I have to say that they don't deserve to be the champions.

One of the guys at work says he's ready to embrace the swinger lifestyle. He just needs to get himself a trade in.

It's a good thing Patrick Warburton is on "Rules of Engagement", he offsets David Spade's weasalyness. One actor who I don't understand how he's still getting work.

A few days ago, I was wondering whatever has become of She Wants Revenge. I haven't heard anything from them in a while. Yesterday I was thinking about "The Nightmare Before Christmas", how it is a beloved classic, yet there has never been any kind of sequel to it. I checked YouTube to see if any fans had created any unique content or further story lines to it, and found a video for a remake of "Kidnap The Sandy Claws" done by none other than She Wants Revenge!!!

"The Big Bang Theory" - "Revenge of the Nerds-The T.V. Series"!!!

Some time ago I took the boys to see "Underdog". I had no idea that it featured Patrick Warburton. The movie was better for having him, but he had light hair in it, and that made it a little difficult to watch. Reminded me a bit of when Letterman came back after the writers strike with facial hair. Did not look right.

I remember reading the preface to the Stephen King-Richard Bachman duo of Desperation and The Regulators. He wrote that one story was about God, and the other was about Television, so in a way, they are both about higher powers.

How come I can never remember all my random???

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

cUpDate Part Two

Haven't made mention of my cup or shared any from it recently. As before, I'm still not having a lot of spare time to doodle on it, but last Friday I had a chance to do a little bit. It was a bit of a snoozy day, so after doing the classic 512 logo, I did a series of Z's in alternating colors. Later on, I did the flag of Stephen King's Crimson King.

I was using the same cup the next day, and we went to the bank in the morning. There was a bit of a wait, and as I was sitting there I added in several other things. First was a shadow to the flag pole, then at the younger's suggestion I added in the porcupine. One of my previous cups had the porcupine saying, "I AM THAT TIME TRAVELLER!!!", and he wanted that again, but I had other ideas. In this one, he is holding a magnifying glass, and saying, "Elementary, my dear Watson. It is a sigul!!!"

Next, I added the killer satellite from Asteroids Deluxe, and then a flying saucer complete with space alien. The alien says, "The truth is out here", in a nod to X Files. The last thing I added was a video camera coming out of the bottom of the 512 logo. It bears the letters N.C.P., standing for North Central Positronics, in another nod to Stephen King. Next to it is the inscription, "The camera eye does not blink". My older son did an Aperture Science logo, with the words, "I'm doing science and I'm still live" on it, which I believe to be from the Portal video game.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Out of Left Field

Now this was cool. Last Thursday one of my supervisors came up to me just a bit before lunch time. "Hey, would you be interested in going to the Dodgers vs. Cubs game tonight???" My mind raced. The first game of the Laker's finals was on that night, and while I wasn't planning on watching all of it (I'd be at work and driving home for the first part, anyway), I had been thinking of catching some of it. Oh well, guess I'd get over that.

Next decision I'd have to make is who to take. My good friend Sammy is a huge Cubs fan, wonder if he's got tickets already. If not, I'd have to give the first shot to my wife. When I called her, her first response was, "You've gotta take Sammy!!!" Turns out that Sammy, while he would have liked to go, is having car and money difficulties, so he couldn't come. Wifey wasn't really into it (and we'd have to find a last minute sitter for the boys) so it was going to be one of the boys. Ended up taking the older boy, I think he has more patience for sitting a few hours for a sporting event. He also loves ball park food. I think that is actually his favorite part of going to ball games.

The game was well underway by the time we arrived and picked up some dinner. There was a Carl's Jr. franchise there, which the boy decided was the fare for the evening. I'd been thinking a Dodger Dog, and happily they also had those at the same stand. Fourth inning by the time we got to our seats. I also was able to grab my camera on the way out of the house.

Here's something else pretty cool, too. After a couple of innings, I noticed a few rows behind up there was a girl with a glorious display of cleavage going on. I glanced around at it a few times, trying to keep it subtle, and trying to think of a way to snap a picture for posterity. They left around the seventh inning, taking my chance at getting a shot with them. After taking the pictures out of the camera a couple days later, I realised that I'd gotten her in the corner of the self portrait (first photo) I'd taken!!! Nice!!!

It was Takashi Saito bobble head night. When he was called up to the mound, one of the classy Cubs fans threw the box containing his said bobble head onto the field. Another fan, a couple rows back, fashioned a noose from a plastic bag and hung him in effigy.

And what a game!!! If I recall, the Cubs had four runs when we sat down, and the Dodgers hadn't even put any wood on the ball yet. Just a bit later, they got their first hit, and a bit later their first run. By the time the eight inning had rolled around, the game was tied up. In the top on the ninth, the Cubs scored again, for a 5-4 lead. The Dodgers managed to load the bases by the time the last guy was up, but alas, he struck out. I think it was the most exciting game I've seen there in years!!!

For the last part of the game, the boy was looking for a cotton candy vendor. I think all but the ice cream vendors had left early. No cotton candy for the boy. I would have gotten off much cheaper taking the younger boy. Fun times, though, and the Dodgers went on to win the next two.

Yesterday I took the family back to Universal Studios. I had to do some other stuff earlier in the day, so it was kind of a late afternoon trip. Next time we'll head over earlier. Two reasons I had wanted to go, one is that last weekend there was a fire there, destroyed the King Kong attraction, New York Street, and the clock tower from Back to the Future. I was hoping to take the tour to view the charred remains, but that didn't end up happening. The other reason I'd wanted to go is because the new Simpsons ride is now open. None of the commercials have really shown what kind of ride it really is, but I had been suspecting it is a motion simulator, being as they'd taken out the Back to the Future ride, and it is located very near to Doc Brown's Chicken. I was right, it has been nicely re-worked, and its an EXCELLENT ride!!! Got some cotton candy for both boys, as well as pretzels. Would have got off fairly cheaply, too, if the oldest boy hadn't wanted to stop off in Chinatown for some Chinese food on the train ride back. Bad idea, the food was excellent, but rather spendy.

More back logged blog posts to come, I've got at least a couple more posts, and probably more than that by the time I get to 'em. Company picnic again next weekend!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Blog Backlog

I've been wanting to update the happenings before any more of 'em get to happening for a while now!!! Here's a little update from Mother's Day, near to a month later.

Since I'd found a Texas Loosey's restaurant that was still in business, I took my wife there for Mother's day!!! They were having a "Moms Eat Free" promo that day. Caveat was, there was a two drink minimum. Of course, she was fine with that!!! She really liked the food and atmosphere of the place.

This was cool, they had the outline of Texas made of license plates. I took a picture, and the flash made 'em all reflect!!!

From there we went to my parents' place to visit for a while, but didn't get to stay long because we had tickets to Phil Lesh & Friends. That was at the Greek Theatre, which was a new venue for me. Our seats were within around 10 rows, but it looked like just about anywhere in the place wouldn't be too far from the stage. The place was filled with old hippies and dead heads, which was pretty cool to see. Security kept getting on this one lady for doing her gypsy dance in the middle of the aisle, and there was plenty of smoke around. Bunch of bogarts all those old hippies are!!! I don't know how many songs they did that I didn't know, but there was only one that I knew, "Friend of the Devil", which I swear they added a few lines to. Even not knowing the music, it was pretty enjoyable. As I mentioned, the volume at the concert was nice, too, not loud to where you can't hear yourself think. My wife found the guitarist to be quite sexy. They did an intermission halfway through their set, and we left at that point. My wife hadn't dressed warmly enough, and we had to get the boys before it got too late, and it was a work day the next day. I would have liked to stay to see what other songs they did that I knew, but it didn't happen.