Just about a year ago I broke the middle finger of my left hand. Its still not back to its full strength and flexibility, but its healing. While my hand was in a splint I couldn't wear a watch. Up until that time, I'd worn a watch most every day since I was in school. Suddenly, I found I was having to look around for clocks. Of course, my phone has a clock built in, so I can usually fall back on that if I care. Thing is, I don't!!!
After years of having to be somewhere at sometime, I've largely began running on my own schedule. I have very few obligations that absolutely NEED to be at a specific time for. I eat when I'm hungry. I go to bed when I'm tired. I wake up when I'm tired of listening to the damned snooze alarm. I find this to be very liberating, and has reduced the stress that I've felt in the past where I've felt like I'm rushing all the time.
My body rhythms seem to run towards the nocturnal. I could probably get them to let me work something like noon until 10 PM, but I'm not sure I'd like that too much either.
I realize that I'm fortunate to be able to live my life like this. While I look forward to getting a better paying job in the future, I dread having to go back on a regimented schedule, as well as having to work five days a week.
There are some of my recent thoughts. Here's another picture of my baby. She's a goodurn!!!
1 comment:
AH, time!!! One of those things I love about me blog is that it is something of a time machine. I get ready to make a new post, and get lost in my old posts!!! Post to come, but wanted to make mention here regarding this re-found post.
I'm still not wearing a wristwatch, but I did get several years back a belt loop carabiner attached watch that I pretty much only wear at work.
I did get that better paying job, and it is more structured, but I still don't have to work until 9:45, so that's nice. Only reason I need the watch is for getting back from breaks and lunch, as they have a nice big digital clock at the cross aisles, and they're almost always correct. They recently added a 10:45 shift, which sounds good, but I do have things I do in the evenings, so I didn't get on board with that.
The post I was preparing to make was the vacation post, and I didn't have my watch for all of that!!! The younger was constantly asking what time it was, and I most always didn't know!!!
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