Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Have Dreamed of a LOLcat

I don't usually remember my dreams, and it's usually something of a treat when I do. The other night I had one, and as usual had forgotten it upon waking. While I was showering, my wife got home from taking the kids to school and was getting some food for the cat. Our cat (who is awesome) is an outdoor creature, but she ventured all the way into the kitchen this morning. When my wife told me, it immediately brought my dream to remembrance.

Two components I'm fairly sure came from pictures on Failblog and Icanhascheezburger. Both are pictured here. The third component, I have NO idea where it came from!!!

The family and I were someplace, and near the door they had one of these fancy gum ball machines where the gum ball drops through a series of passages before coming out, think of it as a gum ball and a show. It was unlike the only picture I was able to find, in that it was more of a large glass cube, much like the claw machines. Prominently in the middle of the cube area was a platform with this white longhair cat sitting perfectly still on a platform. In front of it is a wire cage vortex that the gum ball spins down near the end of it's journey. I'm fairly sure that's what the Cat's Hit toy does, has something inside that the cat will bat at to make spin around the inside.

Of course, my boys want me to buy them gum, mostly for the spectacle of seeing it make it's way through. I'm fascinated to see what happens, so I oblige. The ball drops, and as it enters the vortex and begins spinning around the edge rapidly. At this point, the cat begins to move, watching the gum ball spin around. It moves tentatively, then decisively, and bats the gum ball out of it's orbit, at which point it drops to the bottom of the machine, and then out the spout.


Bethany said...

hahahaha Go Forth My Minions... that is one of my favourite LOLCats in a while. I love my little pony!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Ayester! I have been off the sphere for a while, got your skunk email and will reply but this post had me thinking and visiualizing just how much I believe you could make one of them gum ball mazes..I can see you building it and havin a ball doing so...and the results my friend! I can see you smilin! Lol cats are adorable...

miss ya

pankles with cankles

trooves: Trooves and trooves of love



say hey to ney