Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bad Robot!!!

I did this a week or so ago. It's been in the vault since then. I had a brief portion of my day spent throwing totes, and in that area they have sticker labels with bar codes for different segments of the conveyor. I used two to fabricate a 5-12 bar code. Across the bottom of the labels it has a series of 9's. I later added in a robot, his voice box malfunctioning to the nines and his binary shot!!! A couple of children passing their judgement on him complete the picture!!!


Anonymous said...

Haha! I watch Lost and get a kick outta that company ending, " Bad robot!"

Great cup!
do you watch lost?

Love that show you can get all the episodes on abc . com

happy columbus day

Bethany said...

hehe I got the Lost connection too. Very cute.

Boey said...

Actually he got thet from me,I watched a interweb show and a couple of users would mess around,invite people,then mess with them and they would play a sound clip.Can you guess?"Bad Robot!"

sticoc-stupid ticks ignore coignition of cogs