For out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you will return.
Last weekend we attended a service for my wife's aunt.
She died relatively young, only 54. Her daughters and sister live in Arizona, but most of her family is buried out here.
Today, we took her mother and went to the cemetery where her father, two brothers, and nephew are buried, along with her earthly remains.
I'm pretty sure we were breaking some kind of law by the disposition her ashes on those four graves.
It afforded me many good shots. The grounds are very picturesque.
I do like the old style headstones and markers, but all the ones here are flat.
That last photo...yah, I guess we all gotta go sometime. A very thought provoking post, sad but real.
I quite liked the first picture and the one with the fan... though the Jack Daniels was a pretty loud picture too.
Those are quite beautiful... though that last deer looked at first to me more like a kangaroo...
Ha, Susan, well said!!! Wish I'd thought of that line!!!
When you visit the final resting place of a loved one, you should bring along some tools and rags and cleaner for the stone. I always forget that.
The Jack (and the smoke) were at the grave of a young guy, only 24 when he passed. Under his name it had in parantheses "false 625", whatever that means. An online alias seems likely, although it could be a gang name, too, but I didn't get that vibe from it.
sorry but lmao at the deer takin a dump!
So, sorry about your relative though. Beautiful shots
It does look like a kangaroo.
: )
I. Ball was spooky huh
Sorry for the loss in your family.
Those photos RULE!
The circle of life.....
Round and round we go...best we hold on and enjoy the ride...who knows when or where it will end.
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