Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Nothing better than when you find out what a score you've made. On Saturday we went to St. Vincent's thrift store to see if I could find any nice pants for work. I also found a couple nice shirts while I was there. One of them is an all black bowling shirt looking thing with "MixMaster A.C.E." on the back of it. I was thinking perhaps I could replace the "C" with a "Y"... That would be cool!!!
However, the coolest thing was one of the donated cars they had in the parking lot. Practically a carbon copy of mine that I bought a couple years back, only in a LOT worse condition. I don't know about the mechanical, but the body was quite dented and rusted, and the interior was thrashed. Even the steering wheel was taped together!!! Has more miles on it already than what mine has, and they have it priced twice what I paid!!!
Here's what I got, for half the price!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
One Born Every Minute
I could not believe this score!!! My firstborn made $100 today. One of the kids at his school wanted four of his hot wheels, told him he'd give him $100 for them!!! We should all be so lucky, huh??? Apparently he found the money. Naomi told him he should give him more than four cars for that, so he ended up selling him several for his money.
A fool and his money... were lucky to get together in the first place!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I was lounging in my living room the other night, when I heard a car roll by and shortly after, a loud scrape. The car kept going, but there was the definite dragging noise that followed. I turned around and looked out the window to see the car going around the corner, trailing a shower of sparks from underneath. I guess they figured that it wasn't going to get any less damaged if they stopped.
The next day I noticed that there was a large chunk of cement missing from in front of my next door neighbor's house. Gave me an excuse to try out the still shot function on my new camera!!! Wish I could have gotten a shot of the damage to the car!!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Technology Shopping Spree
Over the weekend I saw an ad for something I've been thinking of getting for a while. It's a digital video recorder that records to memory cards instead of tape. They sell for less than $100 these days, and this one was $89.99 with a $20 rebate. Cheap enough for me to buy a 1-gig card to go with it!!! It's pretty small, and the resolution for video isn't real great, only 320 x 240. I asked what their return policy is, and I've got 30 days to bring it back if I don't like it. Its almost
toylike, but still, its pretty cool. I'll shoot some videos with it and edit them and put them on DVD and see how it looks on TV. I have a feeling I already know, pixelated. But still, beats the video recorder that I had before!!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Pancakes & Pizza
Saturday was cool. My boy's school was having a pancake breakfast fundraiser. Nay and the younger didn't want any, so the older and I walked up for some. They had the local fire department and their truck there, and a live band, I think a trio of the teachers from the school. They played a great version of "Got my Mojo Working, But it Don't Work for You". Nice way to start a weekend.
Later on, a bit after noon, I had an appointment to give blood. They had called me up on Thursday evening, I think, and asked if I could donate. Well, one of my top 5 radio stations, 95.5 KLOS was having their annual blood drive for the last few days. Saturday was the last day, and I was finally able to get in on it. In addition to the cookies and juice, they had a choice of two concerts you could get free general admission passes to see. Journey and Def Leppard or Motley Crue and Aerosmith. Strange pairings, both, I thought. Bad thing, though, they were both events going to be held out in Devore, which is about a million miles from anywhere in my estimation.
That evening we went down to Sammy's place for a little barbecue. That was fun, we played in the yard with the boys until far too late at night. Good times, good times...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Best Job EVER!!!
I am quite pleased with it!!! This job rocks, I'm so glad I got in!!! Found out yesterday I think it was, that they start with around 2,000 applications, narrow it down to around 250 to interview, and of that they hired five. One of the new hires didn't show up on Monday, so that left just the four of us.
Everything about this job is so different from every job I've had before. The health plan is fully paid for me and my whole family, starting on the very first day. I received my first week's paycheck in the mail today (they pay on the 15th and the end of the month) paying through tomorrow. Every job I've had before payed a week behind, so your first check is always "held" for a week. There are no time clocks, it's all on an honor system. The day you start, you've got one personal day coming, as well as your birthday off with pay if you are fortunate enough to have not had it that year. The Friday between Thanksgiving and the weekend is paid. After six months, I will have two weeks of vacation available.
The supervisor I've been training with was telling us today that everyone they hire is over qualified for the job, but they pay them according to (or better than) the work they are qualified to do. It's a job most anyone could do, but they want people who can do it consistently and well.
The cafeteria there has great food and a great variety, and is quite reasonable. I don't think I've spent over $4.00 per meal there yet. The place is huge and consistently busy. Apparently Monday was the busiest day they've ever had.
While it is quite physical, I still enjoy it quite a bit. I'm used to working 10+ hours a day, with a 10 minute and a 30 minute break, so transitioning from that to a job where you take a 15 minute and a 45 minute break seems like, after the rather long stretch in the morning, I've barely finished one break and another is coming up.
I'm sure there is a lot more that I could say, but I can't think of what more to say at this time. All the other workers there seem quite friendly, I like the commute better... Don't get me started on the employee prices!!!
Poor Sammy and Rafa, though. Things haven't been good there. I'm so glad I got out when I did. Sammy has called me several times complaining about work and how he misses me. Rafa worked a lot before, and now he's having to do a lot of what I used to do there. I hope they find something as good as I did.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Crew
OK, here it is!!! I got the whole crew together for a South Park pic!!! Thanks a lot, Eyeball, I'm up a half hour later than I'd planned to be on the night before I start my new job because you got us all started on this!!! Cutting, pasting, editing in Paint Shop Pro. Panky, hope you don't mind I made you up like I thought you might have come out. Lilly, I was up late enough doing this, you come up with the adventure and I'll see if I can get that going.... Some other night, though. Haha, looks like I'm fondling Lilly's AK!!!
On the topic of spending a long time doing stuff in Paint Shop Pro, y'all gotta check out the image I put up for my Wallpaper of the Week page!!!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The First Day
Here was something good that happened while I was out of work. I don't remember if I've ever been there for my firstborn's first day of school.
That was on Tuesday. We all walked up to school for the festivities.
Good to see friends who you've not seen all summer!!!
Same classroom, but with a different number. What's up with that???
That was on Tuesday. We all walked up to school for the festivities.
Good to see friends who you've not seen all summer!!!
Same classroom, but with a different number. What's up with that???
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Hat, Part Two
For a little celebratory lunch, we went to The Hat today. I think I may have mentioned The Hat before, but if you're not familiar, it's a chain of restaurants that make some GREAT pastrami sandwiches!!!
More pastrami than can fit on the roll!!!
This was the small fries, and there were about this much still in the bottom of the bag!!! They give you plenty for your money!!!
ÃÝË Comes to South Park
And, here's what I'd look like on South Park!!! Cool how I was able to put my sofa in the background!!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Seven Day Theory
Westside, Outlawz, Makaveli the Don, Solo, Killuminati, The 7 Days...
The seven days... Seven days ago I made my grand escape. Seven days before that, I implored you to mark it down. That was the day that I realized what I had to do. Today, seven and fourteen days later, I went on my first interview and they made me an offer!!! I start on Monday. It would have been more perfect if it were a week from today, but oh well. The pay is good, I'll be making more than $200 more per week, and the benefits are the best I've ever had!!! The field isn't exactly where I've been or even where I've been looking, but hey, nothing I can't handle. I tell you, I feel that this can be nothing but the hand of God.
In six days, however, is the ten year anniversary of a most tragic event. Be sure to commemorate it in an appropriate way.
Not to complain (or rub it in, Lilly, I'm sure your new career is on its way shortly... at least I hope so), but I had rather been hoping for a little more time before I found a job. I never got a chance to draw a day's unemployment insurance, and I never got to do any of the hundreds of things I was thinking I could do on my off time. And who knew, being unemployed is actually quite a lot of work in itself!!! I have several posts that I have wanted to do, but have hardly found a moment to even read what everyone else has posted and comment.
Today I also finally made it down to my old place of employment. Here is the slightly interesting "more to the story" that Naomi referred to in her comment to my "No Escape" post: A week ago when I was let go, the owner gave me two handwritten checks for my last two weeks of pay. Since I had been putting in LOTS of overtime, they were both pretty healthy. However, they didn't have a check for my vacation pay that I was still owed. When I got home, my wife noticed that neither of them were signed!!! My mother told me on the phone that evening that banks can call a business and verify that the checks are "OK" to cash and process them that way. The next day I tried, but my bank would not accept them. I called into work and tried to talk to the owner. He was unavailable, so I spoke to the plant manager. He tells me that on Saturday he is going to be close to where I live most of the afternoon, so he'll call me around noon and we will arrange a meeting for him to sign the checks. I kept busy most of the day, but was near the phone. He never called, and around 5:30 I call him. He tells me that something had come up, and it involves me. They had looked for some file I had done on my computer, and a bunch of them had been deleted. He said that the log showed that they had been deleted while I was still there. Him and the owner were deciding what to do about this, and were not going to sign my checks until they did. OK, whatever. I told him that the only files I had deleted were some pictures, but he wasn't hearing it. He told me I should think about it, and they would be in touch with me. OK, I'll do that. And I did. What I came up with was either scummy or sinister, depending on which way things went down. Either the guy who does all of the computer work there deleted the missing files and manipulated the log file to make it look like I had deleted them, just to make me look bad, or he had done so under instruction from the higher-ups in order to achieve a means to deprive me of some of my final pay. The unsigned checks and the fact that two days later there are missing files discovered seemed to support the latter hypotheses. Sounds like a case for the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. I went down there Monday early on and got my case filed. Down deep I had a feeling that whatever had happened to the files, they would somehow manage to recover them without much difficulty. Guess what happened???
I don't know if the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement contacted them or not, but they had all of my checks for me today. Clearly they were in violation, and according to the guy who helped me start the process there, they may have to pay me for every day between when I was let go and when they did finally pay up. I'm not going to go in there making demands. I'll let the Enforcers deal with that.
Oh, the guy who does all the computer work there (and who has managed to torpedo the other two competent CNC operators that have briefly worked there and is widely believed to be the true reason I was let go) asks Sammy today if he thinks I would have come down there and scratched the windshield of his car!!! Pffft. I don't think enough of him to waste the time going down there, much less to do something like that.
There you are, most of the rest of the story. Happy ending for me!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Good Friends
My demise at my job has caused emotions in a couple of my fellow co-workers that are beyond what I have felt for myself. Fate brought us together as co-workers, and I feel fortunate to have them as friends. These are good guys, I'm going to miss seeing these guys on a near daily basis. Sammy has called me up the last couple of evenings, I honestly think he is taking this much worse than I am. You can just hear it in his voice. When I land someplace else, he wants me to try and get him in there, too. Actually, the day the ax fell, right as I walked in the door the phone started ringing. I was thinking to myself, "No, not now, GO AWAY", but Naomi answered it as I was walking in. She tried to get them to call back, because she knows how I am when I get off the freeway and walk in the door, not wanting to do a thing but get out of my work clothes and relax for a while, but they were insistent. She hands me the phone and says "It's Sammy and his dad" (who is a phenomenal thermoforming GURU). First person I talk to is his dad, who wants to know what happened. I think he had a feeling. He was one of the guys called into the office. He expressed his sense of loss at having me gone, and told me that I could drop his name (which is renowned in the world of thermoforming) anytime I like and he would have nothing but good to say about me. After that I talked to Sammy for quite a while. As I said, he was quite broken up over it.
Tonight I saw my other close friend at work, Rafa, come online, so I messaged him. We talked for a while, Sammy had already told him what had happened. He seemed rather distraught over it, too. I told him what happened and what has happened since (which is another post altogether). He is worried about the future there, and I can't blame him at all. I think he's going to have a bad feeling about working there now.
I don't know how to describe it. My heart overflows with love for these guys, they are good guys and the kind you like to have in your corner, where I know they both firmly are. The things they have all communicated to me in the last couple of days truly fills me with an indescribable gratitude.
In answer to your query, Granny, yea Sammy took the cut, but I think he is strongly considering jumping ship too. If he goes, I can't imagine his father or brother staying on much longer. That would be kind of cool, an Asian family loyalty kind of thing. They all have expressed through their words and actions that we are family. I don't see much of a future for the company if that happens. I didn't wish any ill to them when they let me go, but since then I have become a little more ambivalent. Once again, a post for another day. My intention with this post is to express my love to my good friends from my last job.
Before I signed off with Rafa, he told me, "DONT FORGET 512"
Yeah. DONT FORGET 512.
I love you guys.
Friday, September 01, 2006
No Escape???
This is one of the keyboards at my work. Does that mean there is no escape???
7 days. One week to the day. For anyone who wondered about my previous post 'Mark it Down', that was the day I decided that I was done with working there. I was updating my resume and getting it out there, hopefully to find a place much closer to home so I don't have a 52 mile commute every day, to find a place that would pay me a salary commensurate with what a CNC programmer, set up man and operator should be paid. Last time I had a raise, gas was less than half what it is these days, and I was doing nowhere near the skill level of work that I'm doing these days. I have thought of getting out for a while, but the longer you have actual CNC experience, the more marketable you are. That was the main reason I'd not gotten off my ass and started this sooner. The company I've been working for is a joke. They are fiscally mismanaged. Getting the necessary raw materials has been a problem for some time now, and recently things have gotten worse. Events of that day that I marked down brought things into a much sharper focus and clarified my course of action.
The last few weeks since before I took my vacation things have been rather busy in the tooling department. Last week I ended up doing almost 51 hours in four days. This week it was 49.5 hours in four days. Around mid day they started calling some of us higher ups into the office, one at a time. A bit after Sammy got out of his being called in, he told me that they gave him a pay cut. $50 a week. Much later in the afternoon, at 5:00 after everyone else on the first shift had left for the day, I got my page. No one but the owner in the conference room. He tells me that things aren't looking good for the company's finances and hates to do it, but he has to let me go. Gave me my two checks. I wasn't much surprised. I gathered up my stuff (it's amazing how much you can accumulate in six years) and shook the dust of my feet off against them. 7 days, that's how many licks it took to get to the center of that damned tootsie pop.
Good riddance. Who says there's no escape???
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