Thursday, September 27, 2018

Maximum Cuteness

Finally did it!!! Spent some of the money my parents gave me for my birthday and did as I said I was thinking of doing, and got a new pair of headlights for 3!!! They look great!!! When I'd swapped the ones into Scruffy that I'd gotten from the junkyard, I just took the before and after pictures with my phone, and the GIF I made up you can totally tell the angle wasn't the same. To try and get a better effect this time, I used my Pentax DSLR for the pictures. I knew there were some old pictures on there, so I retrieved them while I had the card out. Guess what!!! They were almost all cute grandkitten pictures!!!

Look at that upside down snuggle head!!! Squweeee~~~~!!!!

Loves for grand-cat-ma!!!

I think he knows when the flash is about to go off, more often than not when taking his picture, he's got the semi-squinty eyes!!!

There's an open-eyed shot!!!

A lot of the pictures I was trying to get him with his tongue out, licking water from the faucet, as he does. Since I was already in the GIF-making mode, I made this one up. Like most of my GIFs, it's not great, but gets the idea across.

Lick it up, boy!!!

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