Sunday, May 15, 2011

Now You're Baking With Portals

Last weekend was the observance of my firstborn's Birthday. He didn't have any specific idea what he wanted for his cake, but on his wish list was the Portal 2 video game. Oh, and he wanted two cakes.

This is what I came up with.

In case you're not familiar, that's Long Cat going through a portal!!!

The party was pretty low key. The boy & his friends mostly played video games & watched videos (a little clip of them singing along to one is here, the first vid from my new camera I've posted) The part I found most amusing was when they got on a kick where they were watching "My Little Pony" videos!!! That just says Happy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Joey! It seems like yesterday you just learned to poop in the potty! LOL