Sunday, July 30, 2006

Wahoo!!! Owwwww my Balls!!!

Off on another local restaurant review today!!!

Last time we went and gave blood, they gave us a couple of free meal coupons from a place called Wahoo's Fish Tacos.

I got the same thing the time before, but I never looked into it. Its a very casual spot, too casual to finish words you already know how they are gonna end, like "Month"!!! LOL!!! Its done in a surf and snowboard motif, with stickers everywhere!!! So when I looked up on the wall and saw the tennis dress worn by Venus Williams up on the wall, it made perfect sense!!! It looked like the right boob was kinda dirty, I wondered if she'd done a boob-plant in the game she'd worn it in or something. Then I realized that it was her signature. Ah ha. Great food, along the lines of fresh-mex. Priced a bit more than fast food, but well worth it if you're getting a couple of free plates. Fresh white rice and a pile of either black beans or Cajun beans. Overfilled, double tortilla'ed tacos. No breading over the fish, making it a fish stick taco a la Del Taco (Oh, but those are tasty!!! Gotta be good for you, too, right??? It is fish, after all) I think I'll probably be going back, likely after the next time I donate!!!

I noticed on the sidewalk on the way back to the car someone had put in a message of peace... but what I found especially intriguing is that there was a "W" over the peace sign!!!

After another stop, I was trying to get the oldest to move along, when I looked back and saw him nicely framed. Perfect photo op, great neutral foreground, simple enough background!!! Get the younger up there too, and thanks for helping me "see" that shot!!!

I holding off on that idea I had of making a blog of bad drivers, I saw there's a guy already doing it!!! It seems pretty cool so far, like something I'd do :Þ Maybe I'll be a contributor to it...

There was a tiny lizard on the steps on the way into the house. He moved quickly, but not wisely. My boy has him as a little pet for a couple of days, he's always good about returning them to their habitat.

And my poor balls!!! I don't know what's happening, but my very cool and longtime used Microsoft optical trackball (for years my favorite input device) has developed some kind of problem with my computer. It starts out fine, but after 10 minutes or so it makes the USB disconnect noise, usually followed by the re connect noise, then works for another few minutes. Next time it does this, it shows a USB device not recognized and it won't work. Sometimes unplugging it and re plugging it works, but usually not for long. I had an old one of the exact same model that had been getting a sticky ball. Other than smoothness of operation, it worked fine. I tried it out, and it does the same thing!!! I suspect something on the comp or USB end. The thing has always plugged and played, so I don't think I could update drivers to fix it. This is a disturbing trend. I have a wireless optical mouse on my comp, too, but sometimes it acts stupid on the clicks. I have a touch pad that I used to use, maybe I'll do that again. But I like my ball!!!

Jewelry Stores

I took these coming through Chinatown. These two jewelry stores are on opposite corners of the street from each other. Whenever I see them, I always think to myself that they should merge businesses. The new name??? Phat Phuoc Jewelry!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I saw her on the way home, but I didn't even register the heels at that point. We went for a walk not long after I'd gotten home, and I took my camera. She was still there, carrying on a conversation on her cell. I squeezed off a shot, it didn't come out too good. A block or so later I asked Naomi if she'd seen her and those outrageous heels. She said "Yeah, that was probably the only way she can get reception up here!!!"


Thursday, July 27, 2006

What Would You Choose???

In this ongoing stifling heat, what would you choose, having your electricity out or your phone out??? Your phone and your DSL connection??? Neither would be your first choice, but barring that, yea, in this heat I'd far rather have my phone lines out. Lucky me, that's exactly I got for the last few days. Karma for my last post??? Nah, gotta be karma from something else. Of course, with the electricity out, having a working DSL line wouldn't have done me much good!!! Naturally, when you call up the phone company they tell you that you'll have to pay if it is an inside wiring problem. You can buy insurance from them to keep from having to pay them if there is trouble with the inside wires, and I have to think that they probably never bring that up to their customers that have the insurance. But, of course, why would they??? That night I checked at the outside box, and of course there was no signal there. Big surprise. Then next morning I saw the line laying in the street (before the tech came out) and said to myself "I'll bet that has something to do with it....." Sure enough, he came out and said it was the line itself. Couldn't fix it himself, had to have a crew come out to take care of it. Naturally, had to be the next day.

Now, on to the heat. Everyone is going on about how dreadfully hot it is, how its never been like this before. All I can say is that some people have short memories!!! It really hasn't been that hot, even, but we're having exceptional humidity. Reminds me of visiting the east coast. *In my best geezer voice* Back when I was a kid... We didn't have an air conditioner. None of my friends had air conditioners. School sure as hell didn't have any air conditioners. Most of the cars I ever rode in back then didn't have air conditioning. Seems to me that a lot of people have turned into a bunch of candy asses!!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sociopathic Publicity Whore

I hate to make this post, because that is probably exactly the type of thing that said sociopathic publicity whore is after. There was an article in the paper today about a so-called photographer who is having an exhibit titled "End Times", and her technique is to make little kids, three years old and under, cry and photograph them. How do you make a little kid cry for a photo opportunity??? Steal candy from them!!! I'm not making this up, that's exactly what she did. Sounds like a Jethro Tull lyric!!!

I'm not going to link to it, because I find it reprehensible and tasteless, and a long long stretch to even call it art!!! It is findable out there if you really need to see it. Thomas Hawk has a nice thread going on about it on his blog, feel free to weigh in on it there, too!!! Of course, you have to include the parents of the children who are so anxious to make them into little stars that they sign them up with agencies and let them be tortured for this exploitation.

One part from the article that I felt deserved to be repeated so everyone could enjoy its stupidity was made by an art dealer named Stephen White: "People in the photography world, anyone who is sophisticated about photography, knows this is not offensive." Shut the fuck up, Stephen White!!! He did however redeem himself a tiny bit by following that comment up with "I'm just not sure there's any significance to the photographs, either."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Heat

I think it was the hottest day of the summer so far. We had a birthday party to attend, being held in a park.
There was a bridge to the other side of the stream (the same one that we had hiked along a few weeks back). My youngest and I went to investigate.
The chain link fence was pulled back just on the other side, allowing us to get as close as we had ever been on this segment of the river.
The far side of the bridge was covered in ivy. Much of it was clinging to the underside, out of the sun. I wise choice!!!
A bird came down for a drink. Important to keep hydrated on hot days.
We had the opportunity to play the home version of "Will It Float???"

A water fight provided welcome relief,
as did a water balloon fight.
This is the first time I had ever seen a pinata stick break. Someone buried it Elmo's back, I see.
By that evening, some cloud cover had developed, and a cooling breeze began to kick up.

Friday, July 21, 2006

My Soul

I thought this came out fairly accurate!!!
You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I knew I had to take this one the moment I saw it!!!

You Are 48% Addicted to Blogthings

You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent.
So what if you know your personality type by heart?
And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack...
There are people much worse off than you!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Instant Blogging

In the last few days, Panky and Lilly have been posting these results from various quizzes. These are a lot of fun and rather addictive!!! Here's a few of my results:

Your 2005 Song Is

Beverly Hills by Weezer

"My automobile is a piece of crap
My fashion sense is a little whack
And my friends are just as screwy as me"

You breezed through 2005 in your own funky style!

You Should Be a Painter

You have the vision, patience, and skill to bring your unique visions to canvas.
And you're even tempered enough not to cut your ear off in the process!

You Are Sunshine

Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned

You are best known for: your warmth

Your dominant state: connecting

You Are 36% Abnormal

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.

You are at medium risk for having a borderline personality. It is somewhat likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at high risk for having a social phobia. It is very likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Tommy Lee Shares Your Taste in Music

See his whole playlist here (iTunes required)

You Are 42% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

You Are 24% Sociopath

From time to time, you may be a bit troubled and a bit too charming for your own good.
It's likely that you're not a sociopath... just quite smart and a bit out of the mainstream!

Your 2006 Summer Anthem Is

Dani California by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

"She's a lover, baby, and a fighter
Shoulda seen it comin' when it got a little brighter
With a name like "Dani California"
Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya
A little loaded she was stealin' another breath
I love my baby to death"

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak (WTF??? NO WAY, anyone who knows me knows better than that!!!), and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

Buckle up - it makes it harder for aliens to suck you out of your car

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

Give me ambiguity - or give me something else

(I had to do a couple of my cars, LOL)

Friday, July 14, 2006


I took my camera with me to work yesterday. I didn't get a single picture while I was there, but I got several on the way to and from (including the infamous fake trees). Actually what happened is I put the camera in my drawer and forgot I'd brought it until it was time to leave!!!

While its not always very easy to get decent shots from inside the car while driving, every once in a while some come out pretty good. I got the idea when I hit the downtown traffic that I could start trying to get pictures of all the bad drivers. They are plentiful, so getting some shots shouldn't be too difficult!!! I got a couple of pictures of the MTA bus that veered about a third of the way over into my lane while I was next to it. Got to use my horn on his ass, too. I'm toying with the idea of starting another blog with just pictures of bad drivers, hopefully with a tight shot of their license plate and face, and a description of their asshole ways. I think I would find this a therapeutic antidote for having to drive in it. Hopefully driving and shooting pics won't end me up in their category!!!

Anyway, this was a good one!!! Wish I'd gotten more and better pictures, but here it is. I'm off the freeway, coming through Chinatown in the left lane. At one intersection the right lane is stopped because the guy in front is trying to turn right, and the crosswalk is full. I see in my rear view as I pass this white suburban or tahoe or maybe even a trailblazer jump out of that lane and get around the stoppage. Nothing wrong with that, I'd probably have done the same. Halfway down the block he gets back in the right lane, which is wide open, once again, something I'd do. I notice as I continue that he's pacing along, right in my blind spot area. I had figured he'd be making tracks with all that vacant asphalt (yet AGAIN, something I'd do). A bit farther down the road, he gets back in behind me. Hmmmmmm.... Odd, but maybe he's going to be turning left ahead or something. A few blocks later, he gets back over in the right lane, rolls past me just a little faster than I'm going... then cuts back into my lane between me and the guy I was following!!! I was at what I'd considered a proper distance, but not where there was room for someone to safely get between, so I laid on my horn, then got my camera up and squeezed off a shot (noticing that the asshole has no back license plate).
No sooner than I'd done that, I notice he's got two sets of amber and blue LED light strips blinking alternately in the back window (you can see half of them in the first picture) and a couple of seconds later he turns on his siren!!! Pulled the pumper truck I'd been behind over, and I get a look (and a shot) of all the lights he had concealed in his grille.

A freakin' cop in an unmarked car!!! I just have to wonder, what kind of violation could a pumper truck make???

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fake Trees

Off the side of the freeway on my route to and from work, I noticed a while ago these items of interest. I was doing 70 MPH, so I apologize for the poor picture quality. The dirty window I have no excuse for!!!

In case you don't recognize them, they are cellular antenna sites, disguised (not very well, IMHO) as trees. If you look closely, you can see the flat vertical panels near the top.

Why would they go through all this trouble??? Naturally, there are people who don't care for unsightly towers in their neighborhoods, as evidenced by the second photo!!!

The irony fairly smacks, doesn't it???

The Return of the King

Last week my CNC broke down. A week ago today, in fact. They called the guy who does field service for it. He said he'd be in to take a look at it, and hopefully fix it up. He didn't show. Or Thursday, Friday, Monday or Tuesday. Finally he made it in today. Took him less than five minutes to get it going again. He had to put in a new processor board, and its very cool!!! Has more than ten times the memory of the old one. He had one that has close to 100 times the memory. The salesman came through and talked to him a little. He asked how much it was going to be for the new board, and the guy said he was going to have to look it up and figure it out and everything. A few minutes later he mentioned the one with gobs of memory, and when the salesman asked about that (obviously considering getting it while the guy was there) he was able to rattle the price for that one right off!!! I found that amusing.

The guy is a real cool guy, he explained a lot of things to us, why we were getting servo faults, possible other things that could lead to problems, and where certain reset relays were. One thing that I found interesting, though. The guy looked quite a bit like Stephen King!!! And, he did a brain transplant on my CNC...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Random Pictures

Here are a few of the pictures I've taken in the past that I had wanted to post but ran out of room before I had a chance.

The headlight of one of the bikes at the exhibit we went to over the weekend. It is an oil burning wick lamp. Hot!!!

I spaced out and left this license plate frame I'd made up on nasty when I turned her in. I guess that's OK, I can make another one, and if ever a car was a 512'er, it was her!!!

I took this one driving through downtown after jumping off the freeway one evening. Love the old architecture!!!

This guy was at Philippe's when we were there on our rail trip. I was impressed with his afro!!!

Here is Mr. Grasshopper from the nature center on my boy.

And the multitude of turtles there!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Near to my parent's house there is a rather large nature center in the midst of the city. There is a one mile and a two mile loop you can hike on. On Sunday we went there with them and my niece and walked the one mile loop.

A ladybug that was almost pure black. What do you call that, anyway??? A sistabug???

The lake area abounds with turtles. I have many good pictures of them, but I often can't get all the good pictures I like to post here...

My firstborn attempted to catch this grasshopper. After a few failed attempts, it took off and ended up landing on the bottom edge of his shorts!!! It stayed there a while, and crawled about halfway up his shirt from there.

This bird was pretty good sized, about the size of a gull. He was just sitting there, well camouflaged and chillin'.