Thursday, November 14, 2019


Here's my latest card artwork progression!!!

For the Halloween season, I'd had a card with an eyeball flying across the board, trailing the severed optic nerve with a few droplets of blood, which I've used for two or three seasons so far. It was time for something new. I've also got one I've used for several years of Jack Skellington in his Santa suit holding up a present, with the caption "This year, Christmas will be OURS!!!" that I've used for Christmas. Thought I'd do another one, this time with Jack and Sally.

It came out pretty good!!! I added in the brambles along the bottom of the moon, and more landscape detail, as well as a few clouds. Of course, I'd been searching web images to try and get it right, and I'd come across one that was the moon, with a couple clouds forming Jack's face. That was my original plan, emulate that style, only with Jack and Sally in the foreground.

I stopped short of doing that, but of course, it's always an option to update it later!!!

I figure I can use it from Halloween to Christmas!!!

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