Saturday, June 08, 2019

The Legacy Continued

My wife dug this up a couple of weeks ago. It had been rolled up for some time, and upon finding it, she mounted it to a wall. Like my father before me, my older son after me is something of an artist himself. This was from around five years ago, his senior year, when he'd taken an art class and actually got some formal training!!! I know he came up with several quite good pieces (and a few... questionable ones... I remember he'd made a piñata of a minion somewhere in there) but this is the only one I can remember. His talents really came alive with the training he received in the class!!!

Anyway, the inspiration for this drawing is "The Treachery of Images", which shows a painting of a pipe, with the subscription "This is not a Pipe" in French beneath it. Ironically, it happens to be displayed at the LACMA, which we had visited for extra credit for the very same art class!!!

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