Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Final Piece

Here's the next one we did, another 500 piece puzzle!!!

As you can see, unlike the last one, we managed to get all the pieces in this time!!! It was pretty tricky, too, all those clouds and white water were tough.

A couple of quick random pictures I came across while preparing this, the primary ingredients for my chili (less one bottle of beer, preferably dark and flavorful), arranged in a nice pyramid. The crowning glory of which is a couple of bulbs worth of garlic cloves!!!

Next is a few slices of pizza, artistically arranged. Half of them are pastrami pizza with dill pickle chunks and a mustard base. When they said pastrami pizza, I was picturing more like The Hat, where it would be stacked layers high. Oh well, it was pretty good anyway.

Lastly is this week's whiteboard art, a couple of guys watching the shapes in the clouds. Nice, huh??? Not so much, it was inspired by a segment from Robot Chicken, hopefully the embed works & remains!!!

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