Friday, March 29, 2024

Bold and Brash

A few months ago while we were out for a walk, the younger and I came across one of those interesting "trash man, take this or if anyone wants any of this *almost too good to throw out" piles. I stopped down to inspect if there was anything I wanted, and the boy spotted this artwork. He laughed, but I had no idea what it was, so he explained. It was a painting that Squidward had done on an episode of Spongebob. It had been raining earlier, and it was a little warped. He took it, and when we got it home I placed it under a couple of cinder blocks to straighten it out.

Fast forward a while, and I discovered it just before his birthday. Mom had several other things she had gotten for him that was going in a gift bag, so I had her wrap it in some tissue and include it. I think all his friends got it, too, and I had them re-enact the scene!!!

The whole thing is pretty good (except for them starting before the video was rolling) but my favorite part may be his friend in the background!!!

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