The next day, there was an ad for the printer I've had my eye on for a while, the Canon Pixima MP610. Actually, an all-in-one. It was still more than the best price I've seen it for, but it was a good $30 less than what it usually goes on sale for. This will be the first time I've had a working printer in probably six or seven years. I did, however, feel like a second class citizen at the store. Usually they try and sell you a USB cable, and more ink. I was lucky to get the printer. I rather like the style, and the pictures I printed out are stunning.
A funny aside, after I had the printer in my cart, I went over to the laptop area to see how the 17" Toshibas look, a lot of places had those on sale this weekend. A salesman comes up to me to try and sell me on something. Tells me I can get a much better printer for a lot less if I buy a laptop. He points out the deal on the MP310. Now, I'm no marketing genius, but doesn't the hierarchy for model numbers usually have the higher number as a better model???
Happy birthday AYE!!!We're both kinda like Harry Potter... Aye's new Cannon Pixima MP610 High Class Printer.And thank you Mr. Lucky for the tip on model numbers, I'll remember to check such things from now on. More good news, today a friend found me a S style vacuum cleaner bag for my Hoover Turbo Power 6000...Life is Good!!!
Happy Birf Aye Master...was MIA for a bit.
Same day as Madonna huh?
Glad you enjoyed your day.
Checked out your new site...lotsa stuff there!
ftdvn: friendly tags do very nicely
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