Ahhhh, it sure is nice to have a few days off in a row!!! I managed to get several things done over the long weekend.
The thing I'm most pleased with is I got the TV that I scored almost a year ago set up. I had tried it out before, quite a while ago, and with the RCA plugs connected to for a DVD player the sound was scratchy. I had wanted to take it apart and see if there was a bad connection between the plugs and he board. Well, the DVD-VCR combo I picked up a few weeks ago doesn't use RCA imputs (well, it can, but it doesn't need to) so I moved things around and hooked it up. Now the sound didn't want to work at all. I opened it up and poked around a little (there sure isn't much in there, less than half the size of a computer motherboard I'd say) but everything looked OK. Oh well, I just ran it through the stereo, and it works and sounds great!!! It is huge compared to the last one (which was a not too shabby 27 inches)
I did a lot of cutting on the tree the other day. I had done a little repair on my chainsaw a few weeks ago, filled in an area of the plastic that had fallen apart with epoxy. It kind of worked, but the bar still is slanted to the side and the chain jumps off the top side. I'm thinking an aluminum backing plate with the bolts going through it might work better. Filled up all the greenery recycling bins, and made my clipper hand sore. It looks alot better, possibly compliant with the fire code!!! I also did quite a bit of weed eating.
I did a little bit of repair on the retaining walls around green palace. Cleaned out the dirt from between the stones and put fresh mortar in where the old had disintegrated away. I even taught my first born how to sling mortar, and he did some himself.
Managed to barbecue some yesterday. That's always fun.
Next thing to do, move the old TV down to the basement...
congrats. sounds like a busy day that ended happy.
You is the busy beaver!
tzwotsxt:oh come on with the big guys!
Tappy zappy wappy on toast sizzles Xavier's tonsils
Wow, busy fella! Good one you Aye!
YOU is the bestest at accomplishments aye...
LOPETPKY: Let's Overly Protect Every Tight 'P***y' (w) KY...
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