This Wednesday the theme was decided to wear shirts with your hero or superhero on it. I didn't actually have a superhero shirt of any kind, but a week before w00t had a pretty cool shirt that could qualify...
At first glance it looks like some kind of crazy dragon or something, but upon closer inspection, you see it actually has a giant, spiny shelled turtle being attacked by a plumber!!! Doesn't come right out and say it, but it's Mario!!! I ordered it. It came two days too late to use for that day, so I wore my purple shirt with the flaming skull on it, and told people it was Ghost Rider. One of the girls had a Barney Fife shirt, that was pretty cool.
Today was to be sports shirt day. I thought I didn't have a sports shirt. My boy has a Dodgers Gange shirt, I had him pull it out and tried it on last night. It went on, but I'd be showing off my lower belly. I remembered that I'd been given a very cool long sleeve tee shirt with the words "Athletic Dept. RFD" on the front. I didn't want to wear a long sleeve to be working in, but would have. This morning, however, I remembered that I have a Sobe Racing shirt that I won in one of their contests, and I wore that.
Wonder what they'll come up with next??? I'm set if they decide on Aloha shirt day!!!
I love that mario shirt! Too cool!
dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah
Look! Up in the's Shirt Man
The crowd is all a twitter.
"No sweat." We be ready for 2012!
"Show me the Boxers.".... "a brief moment in history."
Very interesting shirt, and cheap too.
Wore my new Mario shirt today. The only person who made mention was the guy I'd switched shirts with a while back. The one girl who I figured would notice and enjoy it most (probably want one for herself, too) had jury duty and didn't come in today!!!
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