Over the weekend it was half price day at the junkyard again. It didn't look like the weather was going to co-operate, but in the end it did, and in a quite nice fashion. It had been pouring buckets of rain since morning Friday, and it continued on into Saturday morning. Oh well, my dad and I headed over anyway, figuring we'd just get wet. As we got to the junkyard, it was just a few big fat drops, and by the time we got in, there was no more to be had!!! Nice.
I scored on many items. The funny thing was, right as I pulled up to my parents house and hit Baby's door lock button, the button failed. Stopped returning to center on its own, and wanted to stay in the lock or unlock position. I'd wanted to get a replacement door panel for that side, it has been worked on by someone who didn't know what they were doing in the past, and is slightly damaged. I only saw one Saturn of the same vintage and model, and it didn't have the door panel, or even the door from that side, for that matter. Note to self: Do NOT run it into an immovable object!!! This one had, and the whole roof had been jaws-of-life'ed off. I did get a couple of missing fasteners off it, but found the lock switch, as well as a door limiter off four door models.
For Janice, I finally found one with the missing vacuum valve for the transmission function. Didn't need it, but bought it anyway. Someday I may even test it, but it only cost a couple bucks. Also found a replacement for a damaged under dash panel, and a receiver for one of the back door latches that hasn't been shutting correctly.
For the Maverick, I bought a couple of seat belts. This was the most expensive items that I purchased. The part that the belts snap into blew up several months ago. I got a couple of heavy duty caribiners to connect the belts to, but they're a pain to use. Also turned out to be the hardest thing to remove. They were out of an LTD. The only Maverick there was an early 70's 2-door with the V-8 engine. Very little body damage, I was actually rather surprised to see it there!!! I got the headlight rings from it, someone had removed them but not taken them, so I did. I considered pulling the tail lights off and getting them, too, but really have no need. Funny thing, when I got home, the Maverick had a tire that's gone flat. I pumped it back up, but it has leaked back down again.

Some of the fun stuff I found were these pins from the back of the Maverick, and the homie that I can't remember exactly where I found.