A little of what I did over the weekend here, as well as a pretense to post my latest mileage results!!! I'm not sure if I'd made mention here before, but the factory driving lights weren't working. I had checked the fuse, and it was OK. A week or so ago when I'd gotten to work early, I managed to remove the console cover that the switch is on top of, and the plug for it was disconnected!!! Not only disconnected, but trapped behind the radio. This weekend I finally made time to pull the radio out and get the plug attached. That's all it took!!!
If you look closely in the picture of the lights going, you can see a bit of the tint strip that I took her back to the tint shop to have added last weekend. I'd forgotten to have them do that when I was having the windows done, and probably just as well being as they took forever. I don't know why so many new cars don't have the tint on the top of the front windshield like they used to all have, especially when the sun visors are usually inadequate.
While I was at it, I cut a cardboard template for the radio so when I get a chance I can make one up to fill the space and accept the radio that I had in the Storm. Cutting cardboard made me remember the third brake light I'd put in the Comet I used to have. Between the light reflector and the lens, I made up a cardboard cut out with two slanty cat eyes. It looked pretty cool when you'd hit the brakes. I pulled the third light (which I'd never taken a good look at before) and made up a similar design. However, the lens is very short, but pretty wide. The design I did isn't quite as cool as the one I had on the Comet, but it's still better than stock. I also discovered that only one of the three light bulbs for it was working, so I got the other two replaced while I had it apart. The three light design actually came out pretty cool with my eyeball template, makes it look a bit like a pupil in the middle of each eye!!!
A pretty decent return on the latest tank. I travelled 301.5 miles on 10.15 gallons, for 29.7 MPG, and a lifetime average of 29.58 MPG.
Good detective work at finding the driving lights problem...you're a genuine genius!!!
You're right about factory stock cars, a little tweeking here and there, and you have something the crowd has never seen before.
If you take off the manufacter's logos such as Ford, Chevy, BMW, etc. and replace them with your own...people go ape-shit asking,
"What kind of car is that?" Then you tell them it's an expermental proto type, or better yet, tell them, "I'm really not from this world...You can keep a secret can't you?"
As for the inadequate sun visors which can be a real problem in early morning, or late afternoon traffic. You are smart to have the windshield tinted, otherwise it's time to do some creative sun visor adaptations to solve the problem.
Twenty-nine point fifty-eight MPG is great gas mileage.
Which remindes me, I need to clean the air filter and change the oil in my truck before the weather gets bad. I would like to have an engine block heating plug installed for when it gets thirty to forty below zero. When I first moved here, I always wondered why some vehicles had an electric pigtail hanging out from the hood or grill.
Again, Bravo! Ace Ventura.
One of the first cars I had was a Subaru 360. I'm not sure if you've ever seen them, but they are tiny little things, the 360 referring to the engine displacement - in CC's!!! Even that is a slight exagerration, it's only a 356 CC 2-stroke engine. Anyway, the only ID badges it had on it were one on the back that said "Deluxe", and on the hood, the previous owner had taken the subaru star cluster badge off and replaced it with a Porche embelem!!! It actually did slightly resemble one of those old "bathtub" Porches, and with the rear engine, it really wasn't that far off. Not suprisingly, that was also a champ on gas, too.
Oh yea, on the Saturn embelems that it has on the nose and the side fenders, I've entertained the idea of seeing if I could find some AMD processcor embelems about the same size and stick them on in their place!!! The molded into the rear bumper "SATURN" lettering may be a bit trickier to remove...
When I first read this entry, the bat mobile came to mind" She is so pretty...your baby
So now I will call you BATMAN
btsgexr: Batman trumps superman getting eX-tra racing
Damn!!! That's twice I've writen out a long comment and poof!!!
so I'll wait tell your next post.
Don't you hate that, Susan??? I've gotten in the habit of copying everything before I try to post it in case Blogger ginks it, then I can attempt it, or just mail to to whomever it needs to be read by. Was the comment that it's been a while since I've posted??? I've had a couple posts I wanted to do, but I've been a bit sick. I seem to be mostly over it, and as of just a few ago, there's now a new post for you to comment on!!!
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