50% Affectionate, 55% Excitable, 49% Hungry
Calloused. Heartless. Exuberant. You carry the heavy burden of informing children that they are adopted by jumping out of their birthday cake. A difficult task, but somebody must break the news to children on their only day of happiness.
Take this test!!!
I do love the LOLcats!!!
I took this test last night. Today at work I had a chance to put the likeness (my likeness???) of Surprise Adoption Cat on my cup. Strangely enough, it rather looks like in my drawing that the cat is coming out of a hat. Of course, after I drew that, I had to explain what that was all about to some co-workers!!! Good times!!!
Lion Warning Cat
63% affectionate
89% excitable
29% hungry
For heaven sake Aye,
it's seven o'cat on
Tigerursday the 25th of Cattember. Get you tail out of the catbox,
or you'll be late reporting for duty.
*Puss in Boots is doing her job*
Lmfao at that pic! but awwww that poor baby!
You sure do have fun at work! Good for you !
My results were...uh...
Sad Cookie Cat
51% Affectionate, 47% Excitable, 51% Hungry
You are the classic Shakespearian tragedy of the lolcat universe. The sad story of a baking a cookie, succumbing to gluttony, and in turn consuming the very cookie that was to be offered. Bad grammar ensues.
well, ok then
reukoy: red elephants usually keel on yachts
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