Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Drift Away

A little something to try, now that Blogger has an add video function!!! We'll just see how this goes...

As promised, here is the video I shot of security guard Dave at EPCOT singing "Drift Away"

Just a side note, today is my one year anniversary of being at my job. I still like it quite a bit, and just yesterday my supervisor informed me that I'm getting a 5.9% raise in effect on the check I'll be getting this week. Strange, they give you a six month review, then every year from that date you get another review. Your raises, however, come annually from your hire date, so in effect your raises are six months from your review. My supervisor found it strange, too.


  1. I shake my head when it comes to finaces stuff. Never makes sense to me.

    As a side note, I hope your family is ok, and you of course. What's this about a wild fire creeping its way through South California?

  2. Bottom line on the fancy high finanaces: Mo' money = GOOD!!! Haha, I got my check, and it came out to be about 70% of what the increase was that I actually get in my pocket, but just like last time, I don't mind The Man taking his chunk, I'll be taking that back, thank you wery much!!!

    Yea, its part of our continuing fire season, extended by popular demand and persistent dry conditions. This one isn't real close, but a constant reminder. This one was the real close one of this season.

  3. Congrats`

    nytux: Ha
    New York TUX
    Never yank tantalizing under Xavier
