Tuesday, January 31, 2006

More Thoughts on Ghosts

In my previous post I alluded to ghosts in the title, and Lilly picked up on some presence lingering in her comment. I don't know if that is the case, I've never seen anything to make me think so. But, my mom did have a younger brother who died as a child. I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the house, but could be something to it... My wife has seen some things, but, you know, she's insane. She says she's not anymore, but I've never seen a certificate of sanity with her name on it. Anyway, I detect no malevolent spirits.

Actually, I take that back about not having seen anything to hint at a lingering presence... Now that I think about it, there was an unusual series of dreams and events one night. Let me preface this by saying I rarely remember any of my dreams.

I was in bed dreaming that someone had broken in and stolen my TV and left the front door hanging open. I awoke around 11:30 PM after that, woken up by some kind of noise and headed out to the front room. A couple of teens were running down the street, knocking over trash cans. OK, a little out of the ordinary but by no means supernatural. Back to bed. A few hours later I awoke again, and that dream was still in my head. I came out to the front room again, and this time the TV was turned on, but there was nothing but static on it. Reminded me of that scene from Poltergeist where the TV people come!!! Now that was weird!!!


  1. Standing corrected...

    The death part was all ancient history to me so it wasn't real clear... I had a chance to clarify today. It turns out it wasn't what would have been a younger brother, but an older sister who died (Pink???) who died of hydrocephalous (Head???)


  2. I would just like to say that my doctor has never said that I am insane. I had a chemical imbalance. I did halucinate a bit. But I am over that too.
    So there Kabila. lol

    VRGHKI= voodoo ringer getting hungry kabila insane

  3. "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm insane. I'm not insane, I'm just very hungry!!!"

    BNKFHG = Big nut king fairy has gas
