Saturday, November 12, 2005

Get out and take your damned Sacajawea dollars witch ya

I failed to mention, I bought gas after school last night because the station by the college has it fairly consistently for about eight cents less than everyplace else. I'd bought a little a couple days before cuz I was getting low, so it was still half full and didn't take that much. When I went in for my change, the guy gave me two fives and two Sacajawea dollars. Not that I'm opposed to Sacajawea dollars, but you can't enter 'em on Where's George, one of those things I do (I've entered more than $25,000 there since I started in April 2003, and had 368 hits so far; 9.25% rate in case you wondered) Oh well, not a big deal to me, but the mere fact of getting those Sacajawea dollars reminded me of a Simpsons episode. Homer and Comic Book Guy are going into Moe's, and Homer is telling him that if he wants to make friends, Moe's is the friendliest place in the rum district. Immediately following that, they enter and Moe has a shotgun pointed at a customer.

Cue Moe: "Get out and take your damned Sacajawea dollars witch ya. I'll give you till three" (he cocks the shotgun as the guy starts to run). "One." (he pulls the trigger)

LMAO, the things I remember!!!

In other interesting developments, after my post I did two ago "What do you do? " I read this as my horoscope for the day:

Study your setbacks, as embarrassing as they may seem. Everyone has made mistakes - at least yours were made out of the goodness of your great, big, trusting, naive heart.

I just kind of tripped when I read that!!! I've yet to have a chance to beg forgiveness again on that, the time I tried it was not well received, as you may have gathered from reading that blogstrosity. Granny, it wasn't exactly that a case of 'I'm Sorry' just doesn't seem to be enough for some people so much as it wasn't well received, as though there was doubt to my sincerity. Thats why the wording of that particular part of that post. I appreciate both of ya's words of encouragement regarding that, by the way, thanks.

Oh yea, sorry about the word verification bullshit, but I've about had it with the blogspam comments some ppl put up there. I'd grant you an exemption if that were doable. Please don't let that discourage you from commenting.

I am, however, enjoying modifying words with blog!!! Blogfoolery, blogstrosity, blogspam..... could you call Haunted Beauty's blog a fuckblog??? Feel free to if you like, but I don't think so exactly, but its got some of that in there. I do like her style!!! Come on, you know me, thought I wouldn't???

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