Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Latest in Fashion

Not sure, I think I've made mention, but I managed to pack on a few pounds during the stupid times. I've bought several new pairs of pants and shorts to accommodate myself, and recently I've been on a T-shirt buying spree!!!

First up is a nice Counting Crows shirt I found. I've been a longtime fan, and probably would have gotten a shirt already, but I really haven't cared much for most of their designs!!! The Love Trap one is actually the one I liked best of their official merchandise, but I wasn't prepared to pay that much for such a simple design. This one I found from a 3rd party, and I like it!!! The colors and font work good together. It has 3 east coast locations and dates, must have been a thing.

Next up is one of the two Sky shirts I picked up shortly after the Sky itself. I like the simplicity and style, and I'm lacking in yellow shirts, so, cool!!! Photos added the (rather appropriate) Sci-Fi warp speed effect, so naturally that's the picture I used!!!

The next one is another music group related shirt, this time it's The Gaslight Anthem!!! I like the design, it's for American Slang, and down in the lower black portion it has the track listing. Unfortunately, while it was readable on the 'web image, on the actual shirt it's not at all legible. Oh well, still a cool design. Other downside, the transfer is one of those where it doesn't really breathe, so it's not great in warmer weather. It actually arrived the day before we went to the show, but I didn't wear it.

Next up, speaking of having an under representation of a particular color, I did a search for purple just because I don't have any that fit very well, and found this one!!! If you didn't know, it's Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy related. Don't know if I ever even mentioned, much less posted, but years ago I got another HG2G shirt, even more subtle. It pictured the bowl of petunias and sperm whale, and had in Dr. Seuss style font, “Oh no, not again!!! By Dr. Adams” I'd have to explain to the uninitiated that the quote/title was from the bowl of petunias!!! (Also, that was another of my few yellow shirts)

This shirt was featured in my most recent birthday post.

And here's another Sky shirt!!! I'm pretty sure it was advertised as a Sky Redline shirt. This one went into hiding for the longest time!!! (I've really got to clean out my closet!!!)

Next is An Appeal to Heaven flag shirt. For a while I had a Gadsden flag sticker on the back window of Scruffy, and it got sun baked and worn, so I replaced it with An Appeal to Heaven flag sticker, and at the same time I picked up this shirt. I love the message, but I'd actually never heard of it until Samuel Alito had a made up “controversy” involving it, and a bunch of the usual yellow journalists made it a thing!!!

Another thing I don't know if I ever mentioned, but trees have been falling over in the canyon across from our house for years. Last year the one at the edge of the basketball court fell and took out a good portion of the fence around it. Just a few weeks ago, a couple more fell, and it really opened up the view!!! I find the falling trees concerning, but the city and the parks department don't seem to share my concern. I took this picture with the fallen trees as the background.

This shirt was also featured in a previous post, in fact was the one I wore to The Gaslight Anthem concert, but the one picture I used, I was mostly getting the “Greek Theater” artwork, and the shirt graphic is cropped out.

And to round things out, another Counting Crows shirt, this time for Bobby and the Rat-Kings!!! One of my favorite songs by the Counting Crows!!!

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