Since the last time I made mention of killing labels, I haven't made a single ball of bar codes since!!! The next thing I made was a pyramid. It came out kind of irregular, not a single side the same as the other. It was too strange, so I didn't do any pictures of it. The next time, I started out trying to make a cylinder. It was coming out very oval. I joked that I could go to the bank and get a $100 and wrap it around the outside. At any rate, I wasn't terribly pleased with the way it was coming out.
Then I remembered something my younger boy had made mention of a few weeks before. He'd been saying he would like a sword made of wood to play medieval hero or something. Hmmm, could this be done??? Why not??? I started adding length to it, folding the labels around the edges much like the artisans of old crafting Samurai swords. It gained length, and I got several admiring comments from my co-workers.
Brought it home and gave it to the boy. He was impressed.
Oh, and that shirt he's wearing is another one I got him from Woot! I think he'd wear it every day if he had his way!!! Check out here for the fairly amusing write up on the shirt!!!
Just today I finished the latest creation. Came out pretty nice, perhaps it will make an appearance here later!!!
Very cool sword! Great use of labels!! OMG he is so big! Where has the time gone?