It's now into the days before we leave on our epic summer vacation. Short enough time that I can look at the weather & hurricane watch & oil slick projections to see with fair certainty how it's gonna be. Right now, it's all looking REAL good!!! Related tech news, I bought myself a wireless interwebs dongle for the trip, so as not to have to rely on or pay for hotel or airport connections. I've more than paid for it if I'd have done either of those, I figure, so MAYBE there will be some updates from on the road. No promises. I have yet to settle on any new digital camera yet, though I've been looking more at point & shoot mega zoom cameras.
But the big news of the day??? We got ourselves a new pet kitty!!! At the local taco & burger joint today, there was a very vocal skinny little stray wandering around. It was kinda spooky, but the boys coaxed her out from under the car she had hid under. Actually fairly tame, but no indication that she belongs to anyone. We brought her home and fed her and gave her some water, which generally will seal the deal for a cat. She enjoys affection, and has no qualms about visiting the inside of our home. Our other cat doesn't seem especially put off by her, but I don't know how much she's got left in her. The new kitty (first name the very original name "Shadow", middle name the Runescape inspired "Shade", with our family surname comes out to S.S.S. for her initials. All our cats seem to get names that start with S) however, tends to growl low, flatten her ears and extend her claws when the two get close. Our good old cat has been looking skinnier that usual these days, and seems like she may have lost much of her sight and possibly hearing. We've enjoyed her company for probably 13 or 14 years, which seems an incredible amount of time for an outdoor cat to live.
The thing that shall remain to be seen, however, is how either of them do while we're out of town. Of course we'll be getting someone to feed them while we're out, but who knows???
While taking some pictures of the newest addition to our family, I came across the pictures from the older boys' 8th grade graduation. They had trophies for all kinds of things, from perfect attendance to a 10k run that his graduating class had done. SO, he got a TON of trophies!!! See 'em all??? Oh yea, he was honor roll, too. Straight A's for the win!!!
And this, I'd wanted to take a picture since she got it last week!!! My wife had her old supervisor at work cut her hair fairly short a couple months back (said supervisor has been a cosmetologist and a registered nurse before settling on her career in the culinary arts) and it was time for a trim up. Of course, being off for the summer, she actually had to go to a salon and get it done. She got the style where it's very short in the back and longer towards the front. Would have been even longer, but that is predicated on having the length to begin with. I told her when she first showed me that it looks "very butch". Of course, I jest, I actually find it quite cute, and she's pleased with it as well.
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