Saturday, April 04, 2009

Quickly Random CupDate

Here's another, somewhat different thing I did on one of my cups. Once again, I was throwing totes, and there was a paint pen in the area, right color and everything. I was unsure how it would react with the foam of the cup, so I did it on the lid, instead. This was saved for a week to get a picture for the sharing!!!

No other great pictures on my cups recently, but I did one day write a snatch of lyrics from Bob Dylan's "Maggie's Farm" on the side of one:

Well, I try my best To be just like I am,
But everybody wants you To be just like them...

My younger saw that on the side of my cup (he reads pretty well these days, for his age) and asked if that was true. I had to explain.

The other one I wrote was a quote from Comic Book Store Guy from The Simpsons:

A complete list of things I have seen or not seen is available on my blog. Your mother is on the not seen list.

Looked all over the interwebs for a sound or video clip of that part. Thus far, it is unfindable.

Speaking of things never found on the interwebs, Failblog has a video I searched for extensively a while back of an assault, I believe at a Carson city council meeting. Fail blog WIN!!!

There's a flier for a battle of the bands up at my work. One of my co-workers is in a band that will be featured. One of the other bands that will be there is called "Mean Mister Mustard". Several times now I'll get that song stuck in my head from seeing that!!!

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