The older boy and I had just been there on Saturday, and they had a lot of the scary decorations up still. He said that I needed to bring my camera with me when we came back. Look who we saw there!!! Beetlejuice, the ghost with the most!!! Later on, by Jurassic Park, we saw him walking and carrying on a conversation with the mummy. Totally candid, who knew they hang out together???

Marylin was there, too. We actually saw more characters there this time than any other, I think. When we first got in there, we encountered a living statue guy. No pictures, but I did get a little video clip of him. Doc Emmit Brown from Back to the Future was driving a Segue around the park.

On the Saturday before, the boy and I stopped at Philippe's near Union Station for dinner. We ended up waiting half an hour in line, but it was worth it. A lot of fans from the SC game showed up there, I didn't know that was a thing for them.

Some of the various decorations.

There were skeleton solders up on the military vehicle. Many other ghouls and corpses all around the park.

In the airplane wreckage from War of the Worlds, they had set up many bloody bodies.

I think I made mention in one of the previous visits, they've Incorporated Norman into the Bates Motel set there. He spots the tram, and advances on it with his knife. The last shot had some guy's head in the way when he was close, but it actually came out pretty cool, with him peering around him!!!

Yesterday I bought another tank of gas for Baby. I hadn't updated since last time, which was a new low of 26.67 MPG (which, honestly, is still pretty darn decent). My wife drove her three days on that tank, which was soon after getting Janice back on the road. All her drive, while about 1/4 the distance, is city driving. Add in at least one day being stuck in a bad traffic jam and it all adds up. This tank was back on track, netting 30.51 MPG. Over the weekend I gave her her first oil change (mental note: buy a strap wrench for doing that, none of my filter wrenches worked well at all for it) and checked the tire pressures. The tires were all pretty low, so this should help quite a bit. Once all these fires are cleared up, I'll probably change out the ash-laden air filter. Coming up for the Thanksgiving weekend, we've got a fairly sizable road trip coming up, should be a good test.
Man, I feel like I went right along with you and those adorable kids! Great pics, that must be a really great camera, the pics are so clear! I like the way the gray in your beard grows, kinda cool and stylish on both sides...in conformity....a pattern. I noticed the older guy looks a lot like nam and the little guy looks more like you...really cute kids. Tell older dude, to tie his shoes! He may trip ya know, although this young man appears to have great balance!
glad baby is clean and still getting good mileage
the word verb is like my real name...weird
piciomi: precocious Isabella created igloos on my icecream
Love the pic with you and Marylin. The kids look happy. It's not everyday you get the chance to see Beetlejuice, the Mummy, and Norman Bates all in the same day.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your upcoming Thanksgiving weekend.