One day I had my cup, and one of the girls I work with (but not very often: she's almost always on the 3rd level, but happened to have a half hour float on the first floor with me. They call her "Cool Whip", cuz she's "always on top". Get it???) started this drawing on my cup. A plausible drawing of a hula dancer holding a pineapple. It was all in red pen, and I later added in the green on her skirt, and the pineapple stem. She'd never gotten to the head, either, which I later added. I had specific ideas for how her face was going to go, but I did happen to be working, and by the time I got a look, one of the guys on the printer I was on had given her eyes and a mouth. Pretty nice, for a collaborative effort!!!
A few weeks later, I happened to have a bit of extra time between fills, and began the hula girl again. I had started with the skirt, and was going to make her a hippy girl. I remember back when Lilo and Stitch was coming out, how they were saying they were drawing the girls with wide hips, like the true islander girls have, and I thought what a great message that sent. So, that stuck with me. I added in the rest of her upper body, but I think I drew her too short. Oh well, just tell yourself that the skirt is kind of billowed out, cuz I didn't want her quite THAT hippy!!!
More to follow... Down there \/ \/ \/ ... I'm attempting a two part, in sequence but posted in opposite sequence post... In honor of the time change... Wish me luck with that...
Haha, my word ver is "CUPPA"!!!
Just put a little white-out on her left side of green. She's great! it's actually her thighs you bulged out a bit, her hips look just fine.
These cups are too cute, i hope your saving them.
surecr: sugar under rice ejects crispy raisins
Drawing several green lines out from the skirt as if they were in motion would have a slimming effect... yet she looks good wheather Rubenesque, or Modigliani.
"Happy, Happy talk...keep talking about the things you like to do.
You got to have a dream...to have a dream come true."
From South Pacfic. Ahloha.
Earth Archives Research Center
Dear Professor,
I Have run across an intresting string of file data named, "The Random Ravings of ÃÝË.
I may be close to solving the "CupDate mystery" for my research on the cause of my home planet(Earth)deminished ancestry.
Cave(etch-o-sketch)drawings on Mars confirms current data thus far collected.
Well keep you posted as to my findings.
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