Since I was asked, Here's a little update on my cup. I haven't had any trouble with 'em at all since I began inscribing them with "512". They've changed procedure in the last week, and I haven't had much chance to do artwork on the cups this week. Last Friday I was able to do quite a bit of artwork. The flaming eyeball is loosely based on my tattoo. On the reverse is a picture of Neil Fox, our company's compliance manager. I have NO idea what Neil really looks like, having never met or been introduced to him. Quite often, though, the orders I'm filling have Neil Fox's statement that the products sent are compliant to the drawings and descriptions in the catalogue, along with the image of his signature. I was inspired to draw him doing his job, giving it the thumbs up!!!

Another perk, our company has a set of seats at the Greek Theatre, and when new shows are announced, they'll often have drawings for tickets. There were three recently announced, and I put my name in the drawing for Phil Lesh and Friends. Mind you, the name didn't ring a bell, but he was the bassist from the Grateful Dead. Well, I won 'em!!! That's this Sunday night. I wonder if my mom wants to go for Mother's Day. BUSY BUSY BUSY month of May!!! Saturday we're having my oldests Birthday observed, that night (I just found out) is my nephew's bachelor party, Sunday is Mother's Day, Sunday night is the Phil Lesh and Friends concert. Monday is 5-12 day (which I'm considering taking off), next weekend is the company outing cruise, and my nephew's wedding. I think there's more than that, but I can't remember it all!!!
Thanks for the cupdate!
ReplyDeleteI hope Neil Fox saw it, I would hope he would get a real kick out of it. Cute!
Boy, you have some busy, busy schedule.
Happy 512 on Monday
kvvtok:Kindly varoooom vivaciously toward on-coming knomes
Haha, I was actually thinking of tracking him down and showing him my cup. Either that, or submitting it to the company newsletter, wouldn't that be a hoot??? Only thing I don't know about is how he'd feel about certifying product as "compliant like a MF'er"!!!