For a while I've had the ability to mine runeite ore on Runescape. I'm currently at mining level 86, and you only need to be at level 84 (with a Dwarvian stout) to mine runeite ore. So, last night I ventured up to level 46 wildy to take a swing at at the runeite ore. I tried three worlds before I managed to find any available, and was able to mine a couple without much problem. This it where I made a mistake, I had another window up to research on mining runeite, and while I was looking at that, waiting for the rocks to re spawn, here comes a player killer, Demon Slay82. He was level 110 versus my level 86. The result was pretty predictable, even though I'd gone up there with full prayer. I never activated that, nor drank a bit of my strength potion, nor tried to fight back, I just ran. Last thing I heard before I died was Demon Slay82 asking "Seriously, wdf?"
Haha, everything I'd taken up there with me was stuff I made myself, except the pick. The ore and the pick were the things I kept when I was killed. Enjoy your spoils, Demon Slay82!!! And, thanks for the quick trip back to Lumbridge!!!
my son plays this game! I dont know where he is at on levels though but he loves it.
have no clue what this game is but glad your havin fun hon!
Ngalch: Nami gave aye long calculating huggies
hah that's halarious! I stopped playing runescape months ago when I got distracted by some other online time eater. I never got to anywhere near your level.
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