Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weekend Walk

I got a lot of things done on Saturday.

Fixed the starter on one car, fixed the window and sunroof on Janis, fixed a vacuum cleaner, and washed two cars.

But before I got to doing that, we went for a walk around the neighborhood!!!

That looks like a Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy logo to me. Got a cool self-portrait of myself in there, too!!!


  1. Wow! that's the coolest logo! Real nice shots too. Is that a huge crack in your house though that was cemented? Or a cool spirally drain pipe?

    ciaxh: Cause I am X-actally here


  2. Hey I need you around my house for a weekend,, Nice pics loved the catus one

  3. Yea, thats a wild down spout. Every time I see it, I'm amazed. Seems like a straight run down would have done just fine. Looks likes someone's final project in sheet metal class or something!!!

    I had a different cactus shot, too, a real tall skinny one. Such a hard choice with all the pics I take.

  4. The cactus was my favourite too
