Monday, May 07, 2007

11 Years

11 years ago today my firstborn was born.

His desire was to go to Legoland with his friend, so that is what we did on Saturday.

It's great that there is a Legoland in the southland now, back when I was his age the only ones they had were overseas, and all I could do was read about them.

The Las Vegas mini land is new, I may do a full post with nothing but pictures from there.

That is a Lego alien coming out of a Lego toilet... on the way to the bathrooms!!!

I think any parent with Lego maniac kids can relate to the mural!!!

Police brutality!!! (I've got more fun with this guy to come...)

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, when I first saw these pictures, I thought they were so great! You all look so happy ...but I couldn't comment. For the first time, I realized that you looked like my brother and it just made me so quiet.

    But it's a blessing.

    These are great pics Aye!

    Happy b day to FB!

