Thursday, February 15, 2007

No Snow??? No Problem!!!

A while back my oldest began sledding down the canyon across the street. He gave it a rest for several months, but recently began doing it again. Over the last weekend I was able to get over there and take some video!!! Good thing he had his helmet on!!!

He took a little of me riding it out, too, but it came out a little bit long. If I ever figure out how to edit it down some, I may post it, too.


  1. Hee that's neat. When I was in Switzerland we went toboganning. It was August. There was no snow. They had a summer time tobogan set up where there was a metal track and you sat in a toboggan-like thing and went for a ride. It was like a roller coaster, but you had complete control over it. It was really fun. And I hate snow. So it was like I got the best of both worlds.

    I assume that was you who spoke in the background. It is so weird to hear the voice of a commenter... and here I thought you were a collection of cyber electrons!


  2. Helmet,gloves and knee!
    Looks like he had fun, though snow is a bit softer.

  3. Who says you can't make your own fun! Good for him! Kids rule!!!
