I could not believe this score!!! My firstborn made $100 today. One of the kids at his school wanted four of his hot wheels, told him he'd give him $100 for them!!! We should all be so lucky, huh??? Apparently he found the money. Naomi told him he should give him more than four cars for that, so he ended up selling him several for his money.
A fool and his money... were lucky to get together in the first place!!!
HEY!! LOOK what eyeball has done!! yayyyyyyy...
Ummm...good for the oldest but...
The kid 'FOUND' the money?? hmmmmm..
Wow! Good going! He looks so cute!
Slingin' hot wheels...
Me thinks a phone call may be due to the kids Momma. 100 for some little cars, they better be vintage cars!
: )
Did you check to see if the hundred was real? hehe
Lovin your avatar eyeball...too cute!
Yea, I checked out the bill, it looks legit. Watermark and all. Put it into www.wheresgeorge.com. Yea, the circumstance surrounding the events are a little iffy to me, too. Nay was thinking of calling the school and asking about anyone missing a $100 bill. I said call 'em up and ask if anyone reported losing a $100 bill with a rubber band around it. If they say yes, tell them you found the rubber band!!!
UZGNTF = Ugly zerps gonna nosh 'till full
LOL @ you found the rubber band.
ok eyeball TONIGHT. Be there or be SQUARE! We'll be waiting....
Oh, and bring a towel and that crazy monkey!
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