Saturday, August 12, 2006


WTF is up with blogger??? I've been trying for the past couple of days to make a new post, but its not letting me upload pictures!!! Well, it lets me, but they don't show up. My prospective posts are image driven. Oh well, must be a sign that I need to do something else with my life.


  1. Mebbe do a brake job Aye?? Hmmmmmm..

  2. SHIT!! I still can't post an image and you will be going to the mountains....wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on my blog....but.... THAT AIN'T HAPPENIN!! GRRRRRR... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!! ENJOY THE HELL OUTTA THEM THAR MOUNTAINS! :)

  3. Brakes came out good. Looked fine when I opened it up, so I did the one thing that I've not yet done, replaced the wheel cylinders, and now it stops much more evenly. I appriciate the birthday wishes, girl, THANKS!!! I will enjoy, and HOPEFULLY I'll be able to share some pictures when I get back!!!

    SXVVRK = Sezzy Xaiver verily vexes raunchy Kathy
