Monday, July 10, 2006


Near to my parent's house there is a rather large nature center in the midst of the city. There is a one mile and a two mile loop you can hike on. On Sunday we went there with them and my niece and walked the one mile loop.

A ladybug that was almost pure black. What do you call that, anyway??? A sistabug???

The lake area abounds with turtles. I have many good pictures of them, but I often can't get all the good pictures I like to post here...

My firstborn attempted to catch this grasshopper. After a few failed attempts, it took off and ended up landing on the bottom edge of his shorts!!! It stayed there a while, and crawled about halfway up his shirt from there.

This bird was pretty good sized, about the size of a gull. He was just sitting there, well camouflaged and chillin'.


  1. Looks real interesting to me.. I like the nature pics..

  2. LMAO @ sistabug.. hahaha...

    I'm a sistabug!!!

    OMG it's too early for this..

    Thanks for that, and glad you had fun on your walk! You got some good shots!

  3. hahaha sisterbug!

    That was cute.

    Love all the pics!

  4. Ahhhh ha ha ha!! Sistabug!! That's too funny Aye!

    Awesome nature pics. Love it!
