Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fake Trees

Off the side of the freeway on my route to and from work, I noticed a while ago these items of interest. I was doing 70 MPH, so I apologize for the poor picture quality. The dirty window I have no excuse for!!!

In case you don't recognize them, they are cellular antenna sites, disguised (not very well, IMHO) as trees. If you look closely, you can see the flat vertical panels near the top.

Why would they go through all this trouble??? Naturally, there are people who don't care for unsightly towers in their neighborhoods, as evidenced by the second photo!!!

The irony fairly smacks, doesn't it???


  1. Hmmm.. I ain't never seen any of them 'fake trees'..Wonder if we gots em here.. Prolly do, I just don't know it..

  2. We got one on the way to PA, we snapped a shot of it too. Tons of fake people in the world...might as well have fake trees too. WHen they start making fake mountains, I'll cry....Cause the way in which people are killin the environment... all God's real work will be lost some day.

    Thanks for all the shots Aye.

    : )
    juuug: JUUUG!!!
