Boys and their fascinations.... I don't know what it is, but their fascination with firearms and weapons seems near universal.

The top picture is one of the many that my oldest comes up with. Various warrior stick figures.

The second photo is one that was in the L.A. Times a month or so ago. Its by
Bill Owens, part of a book that he came out with of photos titled "Suburbia". I found the image to be powerful and captivating. I scanned it to share here, and promptly forgot about it. Take a look at his site, there's a lot good to see there!!!

This last picture I found this morning. There was a huge box stuffed into my trash can by my desk, and when I took it out to take it to the dumpster (make a little room in my damned trash can, thank you very much) found this inside. The similarity to my boy's drawings struck me.
I had one of those rare dreams that I remembered over the weekend, and in part of it I had a 12-gauge pump shotgun...
Is your boy watching music video's? I see the, "break out" comment he wrote and then the connection with guns, etc. Some of those music video's can be too much for a kid.
ReplyDeleteBut he is a boy and your right they usually do get into that, "cops and robbers" thing. My boys draw insects, pokemon characters, etc. LOL but I have also seen a similiar drawing by my son and that same day, I remembered that he had walked in the room when I was watching CNN news and they were showing a terrorist training camp video on TV.
Great photo with the kid on the big wheel. boys will be boys : )
I hope your dreams/nightmares get better, it sounds like you are going through a rough time.
Take care of Dad.
Interesting stuff.
ReplyDeleteI never bought my boys guns to play with, and they turned out with all their testostrone intact.
Sure ok, once I think I got them a squirt gun, but that was it.
There is too much violence in the world. Even when my kids were little I thought that.
Maybe living in LA gives a kid a different perspective I dunno. Joey is a good artist tho. :)
Hey it is 1eye ball, I used to draw like that when eye was a kid. It might be from the T.V.
ReplyDeleteHey Pank, I don't think he has any interest in music videos yet. He mostly watches Disney channel. He does like to watch some of the stick figure videos on the 'net, though, I think they inspire him some. He also like kung fu and the matrix movies, so there's that influence. He's got a screen saver on his comp from the Ultra Violet movie that came out a while ago, even though all he ever saw was the previews. Mythology and mideval and cowboy influences, too. The "break out" part referred to the fact that he had a prision drawn in part of it.
ReplyDeleteThe dream I was having wasn't bad at all, although there were elements in it that would have been disturbing if they'd been in real life. I rarely remember my dreams, so the fact that I remembered not just one but two that night was a treat for me.
Hey 1eye ball!!! Good to hear from ya, dude!!!
OVUZCOTP = Overly vulcanized underwear zing Claude on the peepee
LMAO with your reply to my, "Break out comment". My head is always in the music department.
ReplyDeleteBreak out of prison makes perfect sense!
Lil's right he does draw good. : )
I barely remember my dreams either. WHen I do I usually write them down now.
I'm so glad your not going through something that was keeping ya restless. : )
uimydu: unsuspecting idiots mocking your distubing underpants
LOL At Claude!!!