Monday, April 10, 2006

Signs of Spring

It must be spring. I received my annual notice from the fire department about brush clearance. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't appreciate their concern. It's just a pain in the ass having to comply with all their regulations, under threat of being fined. A little bit of rain every few weeks, with days of sunshine in between, and my yard gets very lush and overgrown. The other day I was trimming back, and my wife spotted a rose in full bloom on the vine-like plant coming over the wall from my neighbor's yard. It took a little doing, but I managed to get it for her. She took this picture of me, it came out way trippy looking I thought. Blogger isn't letting me upload right now, though, so I'll post it some other time... provided I remember!!!


  1. I wanna see it! Remember! Remember!
    : )
    ynydvvrk: yes n yes do very very really karefully
    oh that was bad : (

  2. Can't wait to see it Aye!

    wjjqmmbw: Women juggling junipers quite madly make babies wail
