Friday, April 28, 2006

April Showers

This is the most lillies that I've ever had grow up!!!

I Love those crazy looking hollyhocks!!! I really don't do much at all to encourage these flowers to grow, they just come up on their own!!!


  1. lilly's divide and multiply... haha.
    gotta watch that.
    purdy frowers...

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous Aye. Very very pretty!

  3. I saw all those lillies as I pulled into the driveway last night, and it was the perfect time of day to take a few shots!!! Only ones I missed out on were the night blooming jasmine (the oldest plant we have, actually paid money for it, been with us longer than we've been in our house... but I think it likes it better here!!!) and the nasturshims... oh yea, and the geraniums, too!!! I tell ya, its LUSH here!!!

    Now, the real reason I posted here, I couldn't pass on this word ver!!! Most of ya been slacking, love to those of you who do!!! Actually, love to those of you who don't, too, no big thing to me, its just fun sometimes, but I understand if its not happening for ya!!!

    XRTSD= X-rated technology sells dildos!!!

    How could I pass on that word ver??? LOL

  4. AAwwww Lillies so purdy... you too Lilly. God, I gotta learn flower names, I got these in my yard too! Didn't even know it.

    of course I get a giant word ver, for you dear Aye....

    yjljhemf: Your jolly lilly Joys have emerged! Mo'-fo!

