Here's a little something I found while I was searching for information for my last post. Still a monkey experimentation, but with a less grim ending to this one!!!
DURHAM (Oct. 13)--Duke University neurobiologists succeeded Saturday in engineering the first ever mind-to-matter technology, using brain implants in monkeys. The implants sent brain signals to a robotic arm, which responded directly to the monkey's thoughts by reaching and grasping.
Unfortunately, a female monkey then wandered into the area, causing the robotic arm to grasp a twelve-foot-high light pole and begin stroking it up and down with loud metallic scraping noises.
"It was very embarrassing," said Duke University neurobiology professor Dr. Miguel A. L. Nicolelis. "We're trying to build in one of those seven-second delay things they use on talk radio."
hahaha. smart people at DUKE, yo.
crazy monkeys!
iuojh - idiots under others jump high
This took me a little while to get LOL then when I did get it, ahaha
cute one Aye!
dnnjxukw: dana never needs jammies Xavier's underwear keeps warm
*sits quietly and smiles* cuz she don't get it.
hmigrv: her may-un is gonna require viagra
LMAO!!! *noticing how Lilly got it right off, Pank took a while to get it, and Serenity didn't get it*
Its like a meter to rate your innocence or something huh???
RATZEQ = Raggedy ass toons zerp eels quietly
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