A couple of days ago I posted a comment, and did the word verification game that we all know and love. I did as I usually do, in my impetuous manner, and typed the first words that came into my mind. Well, in doing so I maligned my good friend Lilly's pristine maidenly nether regions, and was subsequently and deservedly thwaped about blogsville by her. I even knew as I typed it that it was, in my own penitent words bad bad BAD!!!
Well, today as I went about my menial tasks, I thought of several other things I could have put instead for the letters I had been dealt. I tried to keep it as fresh and varied as possible by trying to use the main words only once or twice. Maybe these will get me back in Lilly's good graces. Here is a short sampling:
LVDDMCF = Las Vegas double downs might cost fifty
LVDDMCF = Lovely virgins dirty dancing might come forth
LVDDMCF = Light variances differ, detailing more cloudy functions
LVDDMCF = Lead vests deflect dangerous mutant cricket fungus (sorry Panky)
LVDDMCF = Lusty Vera drinks dirty mundungus colored fluid
LVDDMCF = Latent viruses double dip, making Carmen fart
LVDDMCF = Liquid vehicles dampen Debbie, making cum flow
LVDDMCF = Lippy vulvas demand dick more completely filling
LVDDMCF = Loud violins deftly destroy musical concertos fully
LVDDMCF = Leave very delighted during midnight cum fest
LVDDMCF = Live video done digitally, mostly compact flash
LVDDMCF = Liquid veal diligently digests my corn feed
LVDDMCF = Loud voices do diminish my comfort factor
LVDDMCF = Lord, Vera!!! Don’t drop my chrome football!!!
LVDDMCF = Let’s vent!!! Damned DMV moron clerks forget
LVDDMCF = Little Venasiuns destroy dirty miniature condom factories
LVDDMCF = Lucky Vera’s donkey dicked master came fast
LVDDMCF = Lurid velociraptors did dent my car’s fender
LVDDMCF = Lurching violently, drunken debutantes madly careen forward
LVDDMCF = Liquid Vinyl’s demo disc might chart fast
LVDDMCF = Lousy Vespas don’t drive much come February
LVDDMCF = Luscious Vera double dildo masturbates, cum faced
LVDDMCF = Listing Valdez did damage many coastal features
LVDDMCF = Lookit Vera’s double D’s!!! My comfy funbags!!!
LVDDMCF = Lumpy vomit discharge: digested maggots, crunchy frogs
LVDDMCF = Life versus death does make cheating fun
LVDDMCF = Large voluptuous diesel dykes make crazy fucks
LVDDMCF = Location verified!!! Drop down many colorful flowers
LVDDMCF = Leering vampires drink defiled meat’s crimson fluids
LVDDMCF = Loser vegans dimly denounce meat, choosing fruit
LVDDMCF = Lucid visions, dreams, dementia… My choice freely
LVDDMCF = Live voodoo dolls die much colder fates
LVDDMCF = Leonard Vulcan’s dancing dromedary munches cold food
LVDDMCF = Live vit dummy does make Confucius fart
LVDDMCF = Levi’s velcro drawers defeat my crotch-fly
LVDDMCF = Leonardo daVinci did describe many contraptions fancifully
LVDDMCF = Lazy vapid disco dancers mind classic facts
LVDDMCF = Lousy Virginians!!! Dipshit, dimwit muthafuckin’ chipmonk fuckers!!!
Feel free to add any others you happen to come up with!!!