Friday, January 13, 2006

More Memories of 2002

I've been wanting to make some kind of post here, but I really had no idea what I'd write about. Thanks to Granny and Lilly for an idea for some blog fodder!!! I remember that Thanksgiving weekend almost like it was yesterday. I took so many pictures and we all laughed so much.

Yvonne made the comment "Laughter has such healing powers". Indeed it does. The day that Granny flew in I was at work, enjoying a somewhat leisurely day, thinking that I'd like to get in touch and see if she'd arrived, and had some little project in mind that I was wanting to make. The perfect pre-holiday day. Just a little after I had eaten my lunch I was at my table when all of a sudden I heard someone let out a very loud yell, then another one. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew it wasn't good. My first thought was that someone had been electrocuted, and I could see the girls reacting in terror. The color drained from their faces, they backed away, and their hands went to their faces. I picked up the phone and dialed 911, not knowing what I was going to tell them. Ironically, I was put on hold and was able to get enough information to tell them by the time they picked up.

One of my friends, a machine operator, had gone to clear out some debris from under the trim die on one of the machines. Picture a single edge razor blade set on edge. Now picture it about twice as thick and two inches tall, but just as sharp. He thought the die was turned off... guess you know what happened next. The blade cut his hand on a diagonal from between his middle and ring fingers to below his thumb. While I was holding, I was told he cut a couple fingers off. After I had given the operator what little information I had and the address, they asked if I could put his fingers in a plastic bag. I happened to have some small (about finger sized) ziplock bags in my desk, so I grabbed a couple and ran over to the machine. I got over there and realized that it wasn't just finger tips, but half his damned hand!!! A bigger bag was required.

The cut was very clean, and it did a lot of damage. They did a lot of surgeries, but they were not able to get his hand put back together. The plant closed earlier than planned that day, and they didn't run a second shift that night.

Just having that happen to a friend of yours in close proximity to you is very traumatic. When I got home and regained some of my composure, I got online with Lilly and Granny. It was a good thing, it really took my mind off the events of the day, and I was very glad for it. I needed something like their crazy asses at that time. Memories to last for years to come. I was glad for them having me along, and glad to be a part of it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh Aye,
    I had no idea your day went down like that...Shit..This is the first time I'm hearing this...What a horrible experience for you to have witnessed..
    I'm glad we could be there and make you smile ... If it weren't for you this picture of her and I would not be...Thanks so much Bud...
