I got up this morning and updated my wallpaper page. I used the aforementioned picture I took yesterday of the sun setting on the opposite side of the freeway. The more I looked at the picture, the better I decided I liked it. Geocities was acting up, fucking up the picture I'd uploaded. I made mention of it there, and my conspiracy theory about their sinister ploy.
One of my elder son's friends called him up this morning and was wondering if he wanted to come over and play for a while. My wife suggested that his younger brother and my youngest should get together for a play date sometime, and his mom pretty much said "no time like the present", so it was a lot quieter than usual around here this morning. Quite relaxing.
When they came back, I made the elder load the recycling in the trunk, and we took it over to the recycling center. He got $40.00 for the haul!!! Most of it was from aluminum cans that my parents had given him. I was fairly impressed with his haul!!!
After that we hit the grocery store, since that didn't happen yesterday, and the 99 cent store. Got home and did a little yard work while the sun was still up, and took down the festivus pole. Then we made up a big pot of pasta salad, because we like the pasta salad alot!!! One of those things that we don't make a lot, but always enjoy when there is some to be had. Speaking of things I enjoy but don't have alot, I'm going to be making a crock pot of split pea and ham soup in the not too distant future. I noticed a bag of the peas in the back of the cupboard just a while ago, and there was some honey ham at the 99 cent store. I'm set!!!
Here's a picture of that trike that VW had at the auto show. Figured I might as well post some of the other pics I took here!!!
Way kewl pics Aye...
how in the hell would someone drive that thing???
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