Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We Shall Never Forget

A date which will live in infamy. One of those days that prompts people to say "we shall never forget". I don't know how many people actually remembered that today was Pearl Harbor day. I usually hear something on the radio or television making mention of it, but I didn't hear anything about it today. It was mid-day before I wrote down the date, and I remembered at that point. How many days that we shall never forget are lost in the sands of time???

One of my most vivid memories (being as I was born more than a quarter century later) was a few years back. One of the guys I worked with, Fred, an old, grizzled, crazy looking guy didn't come in that day. His excuse was that he was feeling nostalgic about it being Pearl Harbor day. He was something like 2 or 3 when it had happened.

At least he remembered.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know anyone personally involved with the incident at Pearl Harbor but, when I lived in Hawaii we visited the site...
    It was eerie..
    I was moved beyond imagination..
    So many names on the wall and when you looked over the side you could still see the oil coming to surface...
