His office is a couple of blocks from the hospital and the surrounding medical buildings. It costs $1 an hour to park in the parking garage there, but the parking at the doctors office is free. I just hoofed it over to the lab by the hospital and saved myself the parking fee, as well as the aggravation of parking there. Perfect situation number two!!! It didn't even rain on me either way, which it did off and on most of Friday.
I got to the lab a little before they took lunch. The guy behind the counter had the same first name as I did, that was interesting. It didn't take them long to get me in there and draw out my blood, which was good because I was very hungry and was needing to pee. After they took my blood, they gave me a cup to go get them a urine sample, I didn't know they were going to want that!!! Perfect situation number three!!!
After doing the shopping and banking and picking up my new prescriptions I came home and was able to chat with Lilly, Granny, and Bob, as well as briefly with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while. The messenger service was messing up at first, but it got better, and we all got stupid and silly. A fun time was had by all
Here's to good
I ended up falling asleep on the couch after I ate some, probably around 11:30 or so. I awoke around 2:30 or 3, and I had all these pics I needed to save before I'd be able to shut down my comp and go to bed. I didn't feel much like it, but I made myself, and by the time I was done I wasn't sleepy anymore. I played some runescape, then noticed Granny was on and chatted her up some. My wife got up at some point to pee and was sure to come out and give me some shit about not having come to bed and being on the comp too much and bla bla bla. Then just hovered over my shoulder for too damned long. Funny how I was just posting yesterday morning how she doesn't like to be touched while she's sleeping and I enjoy the spooning. Doesn't like to be touched, but gives me shit for not being in there next to her, go figure!!!
I got to read the paper and listen to Handel on the Law in peace. Speaking of peace, William Wolf Handel, Esq. has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!!! That is actually very amusing if you ever listen to his show, he's anything but. They got him nominated just to illustrate how easy it is to do that, in light of the Tookie Williams activists. Long story. I turned Granny onto his show, too.
I updated my Wallpaper page with a great pic I found a while ago with an Aussie kind of theme to it, in honor of our antics last night. WEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOO!!!
Later on in the day, I set up a Festivus pole in the front yard. I strung lights around, in breaking with Festivus tradition, but it looks good to me!!! I didn't end up taking a nap as I thought I might end up doing, but I'm about out of steam as I type this. We went to Wally World and got some essentials, as well as taking care of a couple of Christmas presents and a birthday present.
I got home late, but in time to take a couple of pics of the new yard decoration and then catch the crew before they all went off to bed. Lilly and Granny were ripped!!! No one had their cams going, but that may have been a good thing, apparently Granny was nekked and had a bucket in case she needed to piss!!! Lilly was going on about how she had shaved up some, a first for her I believe. It was amusing, but I wish I'd been with 'em longer, as they both went off to bed not long after that.
Oh yes, the title to this post actually refers to the song by Weezer of the same name. I just got that song the other day, and Foo Fighters DOA and wanted to make myself a CD with those on it. I made it, but I spaced out on putting Perfect Situation on it!!! A perfect situation, but not such a perfect disc!!!
Bob is the designated driver.
Perfect Situation.
Fun night. I realllly gotta start getting OUT more. LOL!
Yea, you try and get out ONCE and you're thwarted by your traitorus tennis shoes!!! Oh well, I have the feeling you wern't fully into it at the time anyway...
Didja read the perfect situation lyrics??? They rock... "what's the deal with my brain, why am I so obviously insane???"
Health is everything Aye, good to know your checkup went well.
haha yeah me and my damn tennis shoes.
WOOOO HOOO... Beautimous festuvus pole...
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