First day of the week back at work, and damn, it was BORING!!! I had a couple things to do, but not near enough to keep me going for a full ten hours. I was considering taking off and telling them to pay me one of my vacation days (they didn't pay me for the last couple of vacation days I took, after all their paperwork and everything... I didn't say a thing, I didn't need the money and I'll just keep the extra days!!!) One across on the crossword puzzle today: BORING!!!
Around the middle of the day something interesting happened. They brought me out an 18" double dildo vibrator with dual controls in a nice shade of purple!!! They want me to make a tool for it. I'm not completely convinced I'm "up to it", so to speak, but I'll give it a try. I talked to the other CNC operator and asked him how to go about doing it, and he gave me some guidance. I spent the rest of the day design programming the tool, then attempting to generate tool paths for it. The comp I use at my CNC to generate my tool paths with is a weak old HP running what could possibly be the worst operating system ever foisted upon an unsuspecting public, Windows ME. I got it do one end somewhat, but after that it kept crashing the CAD program. I'd try to recover, and it would freeze. I did a couple of re-starts, and eventually the CAD program wouldn't even start. That was the point I said enough is enough, I'm giving it a rest until tomorrow. Ended up shorting myself by ten minutes, but oh well.
I rolled out at 5:12 and was home by 6:15. Not too bad for rush hour. I was actually able to get some chat time in with the balance of my East Side crew, so it was a much better evening than it was a day!!!
Over the weekend, I managed to advance my smithing skill on runescape. I'm now able to smith adamant bars and make them into daggers without first pounding a dwarvian stout (a dark, thick, strong ale). If I do have a dwarvian stout I can make them into axes. I can then sell them for (guess how much!!!) 512 gold pieces!!!
I have no comment at this time...
you and your tool. now look what you are doing with it.
hey mail me one of those after you make it. i think i can find someone to use the other end if i look around a little.
LMAO, I've left Granny speechless!!! Don't you just love my tool??? Watch me get down with it!!!
I almost never get to keep this kind of thing (nor would I want to) when we're done with the tooling (did I ever make mention of Lisa's "ass"???) But DAMN, Lilly, you know me, I'd PAY to see ya finding someone else to use the other end with!!!
Is your, 'TOOL' as good as your, 'SOURCE'????
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