I went to my parents house after work today to take the boys trick-or-treating. Around our house isn't good for doing that, because its a lot of steep grades and almost no sidewalks. I don't think anyone gives out candy around here. Anyway, I got there and my mom had a surprise for me, a purple pimp hat with leopard skin print band and brim edging!!! I love it!!! I wasn't going to do much dressing up, I had a glittery wig I was going to put on, but that was it. Well, with this bitchen' hat I had to do a little more. She had a wild print shirt, and of course some gold!!! I would have liked to have some proper shades to go with it, but the ones that I had there were too dark for going around at night in. Last year I had a gold tooth cap that I wore around all day, but I don't even know where it's at now. Oh well, I was just thrilled to pieces to have the hat!!!
The kids made quite a haul!!! A lot of people were giving out full sized candy bars. Someone had gummy eyeballs, and something I'd never heard of before, inside out reeses cups!!! A lot of the places went all out with the scary decorations, too.
AND ... A 'DAMNED NICE' one you are Aye....Mucho Kudo's for you....xoxoxo